
刘送永,徐保龙,秦立学,等. 煤矿巷道掘进长距离快速超前钻探工艺策略及配套机具研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):229−239

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0012

刘送永,徐保龙,秦立学,等. 煤矿巷道掘进长距离快速超前钻探工艺策略及配套机具研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):229−239

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0012

LIU Songyong,XU Baolong,QIN Lixue,et al. Study on long-distance fast advance drilling technology strategy and supporting equipment in coal mine roadway tunneling[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):229−239

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0012

LIU Songyong,XU Baolong,QIN Lixue,et al. Study on long-distance fast advance drilling technology strategy and supporting equipment in coal mine roadway tunneling[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):229−239

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0012


Study on long-distance fast advance drilling technology strategy and supporting equipment in coal mine roadway tunneling

  • 摘要: 随着我国煤炭资源开采深度的逐步增加,地质条件和围岩环境日趋复杂,掘进时面临水害、瓦斯等灾害的程度日益增大,超前钻孔作为探查和治理灾害的必要通道,日益严重的采掘失衡对长距离快速超前钻探技术的需求极为迫切。首先,结合煤矿安全相关规程和煤矿巷道掘进工况,分析了巷道掘进对于超前钻探的需求。然后,根据“长距离快速超前钻探”的要义,分析了目前钻探工艺技术存在的“复杂地层钻孔深度不足”“钻孔偏斜严重”“硬岩钻进效率低”3个关键技术问题。其次,针对3个关键技术问题总结研究了“复杂跟管钻进技术”“钻孔防偏技术”“硬岩高效钻进技术”。针对复杂地层因钻孔坍塌难以成孔的难题,总结了不同护孔技术及配套机具,分析了其对于不同工况的适用性,开发了孔底驱动快速跟管成套机具,将复杂地层钻孔深度延长2~3倍;针对回转钻进工况下的超前探孔防偏难题,分析了回转钻进偏斜的力学机理,从抑制钻孔倾角和方位角的角度分析了防偏钻具的原理、结构以及性能,研发了能够同时稳定倾角和方位角的单动式保直钻具,钻进过程中外管不转、芯轴带动钻头旋转破岩,现场试验表明能够同时将倾角和方位角偏斜率控制在1.5 (°)/100 m;针对硬岩巷道超前钻探存在的效率低、破岩刀具磨损快等问题,分析了不同硬岩高效破岩机理并综合阐述了对应的破岩机具及配套技术与装备,研制了基于主动抑振原理的小直径稳压提速钻具,在岩石坚固性系数f为12的煤系石灰岩地层中提速1.5~2倍。最后,针对超前探钻孔“护孔”“防偏”“ 提速”3个关键需求,提出了相应工艺机具的发展方向。


    Abstract: With the gradual increase in the depth of coal resource extraction in our country, geological conditions and surrounding rock environment are becoming increasingly complex. The degree of water damage, gas and other disasters faced during excavation is increasing. As a necessary channel for exploring and controlling disasters, advanced drilling is an urgent need for long-distance and rapid advanced drilling technology due to the increasingly serious mining imbalance. Firstly, based on the relevant safety regulations of coal mines and the excavation conditions of coal mine tunnels, the demand for advanced drilling in tunnel excavation was analyzed. Then, based on the essence of “long-distance rapid advance drilling”, three key technical problems of “insufficient drilling depth in complex formations”, “severe drilling deviation”, and “low drilling efficiency in hard rock” in current drilling technology were analyzed. Secondly, a summary study was conducted on three key technical issues, including “complex pipe following drilling technology”, “drilling deviation prevention technology”, and “efficient hard rock drilling technology”. In response to the difficulty of drilling holes in complex formations due to borehole collapse, different hole protection technologies and supporting equipment were summarized, and their applicability to different working conditions was analyzed. A complete set of bottom driven fast pipe following equipment was developed, which extended the drilling depth in complex formations by 2-3 times; In response to the problem of preventing deviation in advanced drilling under rotary drilling conditions, the mechanical mechanism of deviation in rotary drilling was analyzed. The principle, structure, and performance of anti deviation drilling tools were analyzed from the perspective of suppressing drilling inclination and azimuth angles. A single action straight drilling tool was developed that can simultaneously stabilize inclination and azimuth angles. During the drilling process, the outer pipe did not rotate, and the core shaft drove the drill bit to rotate and break the rock, On site experiments have shown that it is possible to simultaneously control the tilt angle and azimuth deviation rate to 1.5 (°)/100 m; In response to the problems of low efficiency and fast wear of rock breaking tools in advanced drilling of hard rock tunnels, this paper analyzes the efficient rock breaking mechanisms of different hard rocks and comprehensively elaborates on the corresponding rock breaking tools and supporting technologies and equipment. A small diameter stable pressure and speed increasing drilling tool based on active vibration suppression principle has been developed, which can increase the speed by 1.5 to 2 times in coal bearing limestone formations withf(rock firmness coefficient) coefficient of 12. Finally, in response to the three key requirements of advanced drilling, namely “hole protection”, “deviation prevention”, and “speed improvement”, the development direction of corresponding process equipment is proposed.


