
刘举庆,李 军,王兴娟,等. 矿山生态环境定量遥感监测与智能分析系统设计与实现[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):346−358

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0456

刘举庆,李 军,王兴娟,等. 矿山生态环境定量遥感监测与智能分析系统设计与实现[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):346−358

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0456

LIU Juqing,LI Jun,WANG Xingjuan,et al. Design and implementation of quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for mine ecological environment[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):346−358

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0456

LIU Juqing,LI Jun,WANG Xingjuan,et al. Design and implementation of quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for mine ecological environment[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):346−358

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-0456


Design and implementation of quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for mine ecological environment

  • 摘要: 矿山生态环境监测与治理是国家生态文明建设和“双碳”目标下的重中之重,其信息化、智能化建设在新一代信息技术革命的助推下成为数字中国建设的重要一环,也是当下时代发展的必然趋势。然而,现有矿山生态环境监测系统仍然停留在单一专题、要素不全、基础量测、本地管理的初级阶段,无法满足现实环境中对矿山生态环境多要素、长时序、高频次监测与分析的需求。基于此,提出一种B/S架构下的矿山生态环境定量遥感监测与智能分析系统——矿山生态天眼,并详细介绍了其研发需求、技术架构、关键技术及核心功能。系统依托卫星遥感技术及其他监测手段,获取并聚合不同来源、信息丰富的矿山生态大数据,形成矿山分布一张图和数据资源服务;进而基于定量遥感反演矿山生态环境各生态参数,形成一套长时序、多要素的矿山生态监测产品,涵盖人类活动、自然地理条件和“植−土−水−气”各生态要素;在此基础上,系统提供GIS时空分析、统计分析及综合定量评价等工具集,分别实现对矿区土地利用、归一化植被指数(NDVI)等参数伴随采矿活动在空间上的变化监测,对土壤含水量、水体悬浮物浓度等生态要素历史统计值在不同时空位置和区域下的查询与可视化,对顾及多项生态因子的矿山生态环境质量综合定量评价,并最终形成矿山生态扰动与治理监测报告。矿山生态天眼的应用将服务于矿山生态环境全过程变化监测、数据管理、智能分析和决策应用,有望提高矿山生态环境监测与治理的效率和智能化水平,为推动生态文明信息化建设提供参考方案。


    Abstract: Mine ecological environment monitoring and governance is a critical requirement for national ecological civilization construction and the dual carbon goal. The informatization and intelligent construction of the mine ecological environment have become an important part of Digital China driven by the new generation of information technology, and it is also an inevitable trend in the development of the current era. However, existing mine ecological environment monitoring systems are still in the primary stage with a single theme, incomplete elements, basic measurement, and local management, and they cannot meet the demand for multi-element, long-term, high-frequency monitoring and analysis of the mine ecological environment. To address this problem, the quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for the mine ecological environment under B/S architecture is proposed, called Mine Ecology Remote Eyes. The development requirements, technical framework, key technologies, and core functions of the system are further described in detail. The system utilizes satellite remote sensing technology and other monitoring methods to obtain and aggregate mine ecological big data from different sources, forming a map of mine distribution and data resource services. Using quantitative remote sensing to invert ecological parameters of mine environments, a set of long-term and multi-element monitoring products can be generated. These products cover various ecological elements such as human activities, natural geographical conditions, and “vegetation-soil-water-atmosphere” parameters. The system provides a range of tools for GIS spatial and temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and comprehensive quantitative evaluation. With these tools, users can monitor spatial changes in ecological parameters such as land use and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in mining areas along with mining activities, as well as query and visualize historical statistical values of ecological elements such as soil water content and suspended solids concentration in water under different spatiotemporal locations or regions. Additionally, the system enables comprehensive quantitative evaluation of the quality of the mine ecological environment taking into account multiple ecological elements. Finally, the system generates a monitoring report on ecological disturbance and governance of the mine. The application of Mine Ecology Remote Eyes will facilitate the change monitoring, data management, intelligent analysis, and decision-making applications of the mine ecological environment. This system has the potential to improve the efficiency and intelligence level of monitoring and governance of the mine ecological environment, and provides a reference for promoting the informatization of ecological civilization.


