
杨胜利,张 燊,王旭东,等. 煤与天然气协同开采理论与技术构想[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):50−68

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-1720

杨胜利,张 燊,王旭东,等. 煤与天然气协同开采理论与技术构想[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):50−68

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-1720

YANG Shengli,ZHANG Shen,WANG Xudong,et al. Theoretical and technological concepts of synergistic coal and natural gas extraction[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):50−68

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-1720

YANG Shengli,ZHANG Shen,WANG Xudong,et al. Theoretical and technological concepts of synergistic coal and natural gas extraction[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):50−68

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2023-1720


Theoretical and technological concepts of synergistic coal and natural gas extraction

  • 摘要: 我国存在大量的煤炭与天然气重叠赋存资源,出于对资源开采效率的要求,大量的煤与天然气重叠资源需要在同一时空内同步开采,传统的煤与天然气开采理论与技术难以满足协同开采出现的技术难题,煤与天然气协同开采的进程受到了严重制约。基于此,结合国内煤与天然气重叠赋存情况对煤与天然气协同开采进行了科学定义,总结了已有可借鉴的煤与天然气开采技术和相关理论。建立了天然气井近场岩体力学理论、天然气近场围岩耦合损伤理论、“围岩–水泥环–套管”耦合损伤理论、煤与天然气协同开采垂直场围岩耦合损伤理论,揭示了煤与天然气协同开采围岩的耦合损伤机理,为煤与天然气技术体系的构建提供了理论基础。提出了“煤与天然气协同开采技术”“煤炭开采通过废弃井技术”和“天然气近场小煤柱留设技术”3项技术以及“协同开采分区规划系统”“透明地质与生产信息动态监测系统”和“煤与天然气协同区安全监测与评价系统”三大系统,为煤与天然气协同开采提供技术支持,提高煤炭与天然气资源的开采效率。在此基础上,构建了煤与天然气协同开采的理论与技术体系,明确了煤与天然气协同开采未来的研究重点,提出了我国煤与天然气资源安全、绿色、高效协同开采的技术路径与研究方向。


    Abstract: There are a large number of overlapping coal and natural gas resources in China, and due to the requirement of resource extraction efficiency, a large number of overlapping coal and natural gas resources need to be extracted synchronously in the same time and space, and the traditional coal and natural gas extraction theories and technologies are difficult to meet the technical problems arising from coordinated extraction, and the process of coordinated extraction of coal and natural gas has been seriously constrained. Based on this, a scientific definition of coal and natural gas synergistic mining is made based on the overlapping coal and natural gas resources in China, and the existing coal and natural gas mining technologies and related theories are summarised. We have established the near-field rock mechanics theory of natural gas wells, the coupled damage theory of natural gas near-field surrounding rock, the coupled damage theory of “surrounding rock-cement ring-casing”, and the coupled damage theory of vertical surrounding rock of coal and natural gas synergistic mining, which reveal the coupled damage mechanism of surrounding rock of coal and natural gas synergistic mining, and provide a theoretical basis for the construction of the technology system of coal and natural gas. It provides a theoretical basis for the construction of coal and natural gas technology system. The three technologies of “Coal and Natural Gas Cooperative Mining Technology”, “Coal Mining through Abandoned Wells Technology” and “Natural Gas Near-Field Small Coal Pillar Retention Technology” are proposed, as well as the “Coal and Natural Gas Cooperative Mining Zoning Planning Technology”. Three major systems, namely, “Coal and Natural Gas Cooperative Mining Zoning Planning System”, “Transparent Geological and Production Information Dynamic Monitoring System” and “Coal and Natural Gas Cooperative Zone Safety Monitoring and Evaluation System”, provide technical support for coal and natural gas cooperative mining, and improve the safety of coal and natural gas production. This system provides technical support for the synergistic mining of coal and natural gas and improves the mining efficiency of coal and natural gas resources. On this basis, the theoretical and technological system of coal and natural gas synergistic mining is constructed, the future research focus of coal and natural gas synergistic mining is clarified, and the technological path and research direction for the safe, green and high-efficiency synergistic mining of coal and natural gas resources in China are proposed.


