
许海亮,郭 旭,宋义敏,等. 新型矿用组合折纹柱构件防冲吸能特性分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(3):225−232

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0460

许海亮,郭 旭,宋义敏,等. 新型矿用组合折纹柱构件防冲吸能特性分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(3):225−232

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0460

XU Hailiang,GUO Xu,SONG Yimin,et al. Analysis on characteristics of anti-impact and energy absorption of new type of composite folding column used in mining[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(3):225−232

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0460

XU Hailiang,GUO Xu,SONG Yimin,et al. Analysis on characteristics of anti-impact and energy absorption of new type of composite folding column used in mining[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(3):225−232

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0460


Analysis on characteristics of anti-impact and energy absorption of new type of composite folding column used in mining

  • 摘要: 巷道防冲吸能支护能有效防治冲击地压发生,减小突发灾害带来的人员伤亡和财产损失,已取得较好的应用效果。防冲吸能支护中最为关键部位是防冲吸能构件,为提高防冲吸能构件的性能,针对现有矿用防冲吸能构件中存在的不足,依据塑性变形区域最大化原则,提出了一种新型矿用组合折纹柱构件。采用有限元数值模拟方法对新型矿用组合折纹柱构件与现有矿用方形预折纹构件进行对比分析,同时对新型矿用组合折纹柱构件在不同侧壁坡度、不同壁厚情况下吸能特性进行研究,使新型矿用组合折纹柱构件结构达到最优。结果表明:①在相同璧厚情况下,新型矿用组合折纹柱构件其峰值承载力、平均压溃承载力、总吸能、比吸能均有增长,其中平均压溃承载力提升34.2%、总吸能提升近33.6%,比吸能提高127.4%,新型矿用组合折纹柱构件防冲吸能性能优势明显;②随着侧壁坡度降低,压溃峰值承载力、承载力波动系数降低,平均压溃承载力增加,总吸能与比吸能轻微增加;③随着新型矿用组合折纹柱构件薄壁厚度增加,压溃峰值承载力、压溃平均承载力、总吸能与比吸能增加,承载力波动系数先减小后增加。通过对新型矿用组合折纹柱构件侧壁坡度与壁厚防冲吸能特性分析,当新型防冲吸能构件侧壁坡度为1.2、构件厚度为7 mm时,构件满足恒阻与大变形的要求;④可以通过平衡侧壁厚度和构件与刚性板接触摩擦因数来进一步降低承载力曲线波动。


    Abstract: The roadway anti-impact energy absorption support can effectively prevent the occurrence of rock burst, reduce the casualties and property losses caused by sudden disasters, and has achieved good application effect. The most important part is the energy absorption and anti-impact energy absorbing component. According to the principle of maximizing the plastic deformation area, a new type of energy absorption and anti-impact device with arc thin wall was presented to improve the shortcomings of the traditional device. In order to optimize the structure of the thin-wall energy absorption and anti-impact device, the properties of it was analyzed by using the method of finite element numerical simulation. At the same time, the energy absorption characteristics of the new type of composite corrugated column component for mining under different sidewall slopes and wall thicknesses are studied, so that the structure of the new type of composite corrugated column component for mining can reach the optimum. The results showed that: ①Under the same wall thickness, the peak bearing capacityFmax, the average crushing bearing capacityFmean, the total energy absorptionE, and specific energy absorption ESA of the new device are higher than those of the traditional device, among which the average crushing bearing capacityFmean has increased by 34.2%, total energy absorption has increased by nearly 33.6%, and specific energy absorption has increased by 127.4%. The new type of energy absorption device has obvious anti-impact performance advantages. ②With the decrease of the side wall slope, the peak crushing capacityFmax and the fluctuation coefficient of the bearing capacity decrease, the average crushing capacityFmean increases, and the total energy absorptionEand the specific energy absorptionESA slightly increase. ③ As the thin-wall thickness of new device decreases, the crushing peak load, crushing average load, total energy absorption and specific energy absorption all decrease, while the load fluctuation coefficient decreases first and then increases. Through the analysis of the results, it is concluded that the structure of the new energy absorption device can meet the requirements of constant resistance and large deformation when the slope of side wall is 1.2 and the thickness is 7 mm, the component meets the requirements of constant resistance and large deformation; ④The fluctuation of bearing capacity curve can be further reduced by balancing the sidewall thickness and the contact friction coefficient between members and rigid plates.


