
吕情绪,狄军贞,李 果,等. 高强度采矿活动对地下水影响的数值模拟研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(5):193−199

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0721

吕情绪,狄军贞,李 果,等. 高强度采矿活动对地下水影响的数值模拟研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(5):193−199

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0721

LYU Qingxu,DI Junzhen,LI Guo,et al. Numerical simulation study on the impact of high intensity mining activities on groundwater[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(5):193−199

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0721

LYU Qingxu,DI Junzhen,LI Guo,et al. Numerical simulation study on the impact of high intensity mining activities on groundwater[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(5):193−199

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-0721


Numerical simulation study on the impact of high intensity mining activities on groundwater

  • 摘要: 为探究高强度采矿活动对地下水的影响,选取内蒙古神东煤矿区某井田为研究对象,该煤矿为平面上开采面积占比大、空间上开采尺寸大、时间上开采速度快为特点的高强度开采方式。在收集整理相关水文气象、勘测资料的基础上,利用GMS(Groundwater Modeling System)数值模拟软件建立符合研究区水文地质条件的地下水流模型,对研究区未来10年采动影响下的地下水水位及流场进行预测分析,并对地下水水均衡状态进行分析。研究结果表明:高强度采动对直罗组含水层的扰动影响最大,在开采盘区内形成了多个水位降落漏斗,降落漏斗中心水位下降幅度由第1年末的105 m增大到第10年末的351 m,该层地下水整体水位与径流条件均发生改变。高强度采动对志丹群含水层的扰动影响较小,仅在矿井上方局部位置水流场发生改变,10年间,采掘中心处水位由20 m下降至116 m。通过水均衡分析可知,地下水总补给量为357589.74 m3/d,总排泄量为357563.62 m3/d,误差为0.0073%,其中降雨入渗是研究区的主要补给来源,占比51.90%,其次为河流补给,占比45.21%;河流排泄为主要排泄方式,占比达78.24%,其次为潜水蒸发,占比9.82%,矿井排水占比4.52%。志丹群和直罗组含水层补给排泄分别占区域总均衡量的12.0%和5.7%,其中矿井排水量为直罗组含水层的主要排泄方式,占比71.3%。研究结果为保护矿区生产安全与可持续发展提供一定依据。


    Abstract: In order to explore the impact of high-intensity mining activities on groundwater, a mine field in Shendong Coal Mine Area of Inner Mongolia is selected as the research object. This mine is characterized by a large proportion of mining area on the plane, a large mining size in space and a fast mining speed in time. Based on the collection of relevant hydrometeorological and survey data, the Groundwater Modeling System numerical simulation software was used to establish a Groundwater flow model in accordance with the hydrogeological conditions of the study area. The Groundwater level and flow field under the influence of mining in the study area in the next 10 years were predicted and analyzed. The equilibrium state of groundwater is also analyzed. The results show that the disturbance of Zhiluo group Aquifer is most affected by high intensity mining, and several water level drop funnels are formed in the mining area. The water level in the center of the drop funnels increases from 105 m at the end of the first year to 351 m at the end of the tenth year, and the overall groundwater level and runoff conditions of this layer are changed. The influence of high intensity mining on the aquifer of Zhidan Group is small, and the water flow field changes only in the local position above the mine. In 10 years, the water level at the mining center decreases from 20 m to 116 m. According to the water balance analysis, the total groundwater recharge is 357 589.74 m3/d, and the total excretion is 357 563.62 m3/d, with an error of 0.0073%. Rainfall infiltration is the main recharge source in the study area, accounting for 51.90%, followed by river recharge, accounting for 45.21%. River drainage was the main way of discharge, accounting for 78.24%, followed by phreatic evaporation, accounting for 9.82%, and mine drainage, accounting for 4.52%. The recharge and discharge of the Zhidan group and Zhiluo group account for 12.0% and 5.7% of the total mean measurement in the region, respectively, and mine drainage is the main discharge mode of the Zhiluo Formation aquifers, accounting for 71.3%. The research results provide some basis for the protection of production safety and sustainable development in mining areas.


