
李雯静,邱 莉,林志勇,等. 基于役龄回退模型的露天矿卡车周期预防性维护策略[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(4):209−214

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-1236

李雯静,邱 莉,林志勇,等. 基于役龄回退模型的露天矿卡车周期预防性维护策略[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(4):209−214

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-1236

LI Wenjing,QIU Li,LIN Zhiyong,et al. Periodic preventive maintenance strategy of open-pit mine truck based on age-reduction model[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(4):209−214

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-1236

LI Wenjing,QIU Li,LIN Zhiyong,et al. Periodic preventive maintenance strategy of open-pit mine truck based on age-reduction model[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(4):209−214

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021-1236


Periodic preventive maintenance strategy of open-pit mine truck based on age-reduction model

  • 摘要: 针对露天矿生产运输中卡车维护成本较高的问题,对卡车采用周期预防性维护和小修相结合的维护方式,考虑露天矿卡车周期预防维护后故障率的变化规律,基于役龄回退模型研究了露天矿卡车周期预防维护策略。针对露天矿卡车故障率函数服从威布尔分布特点,引入役龄回退因子反应露天矿卡车在每次周期预防维护后的故障率变化,建立露天矿卡车每次周期预防维护后的故障率函数。基于露天矿卡车的故障率函数,建立包括露天矿卡车周期预防维护成本和小修成本的预防维护总成本模型,为求取露天矿卡车最优的周期预防维护策略设计了求解算法。研究结果表明:当露天矿卡车运行时间确定时,预防维护成本随着预防维护次数增加先减小后增大,随着预防维护周期变长先变小再变大;随着露天矿卡车运行时间的变长,最优预防维护次数呈增长趋势;露天矿卡车采用最优的周期预防维护策略比常用的维修策略的所需成本更小且随着露天矿卡车运行时间的变长差值变大。基于役龄回退模型构建露天矿卡车每次周期预防维护后的故障率函数,研究卡车在不同运行时间的最优周期预防维护策略,可为矿山设备预防维护管理提供有效的解决方案。


    Abstract: In view of high maintenance cost of trucks in the production and transportation of open-pit mine, a combination of periodic preventive maintenance and minor repairs was adopted for truck. Considering the change rule of failure rate after periodic preventive maintenance of open-pit mine truck, based on age-reduction model, periodical preventive maintenance strategy of open-pit mine truck was studied. According to the characteristics of the weibull distribution of open-pit mine truck failure rate function, introducing age-reduction factor to reflect change in the failure rate of open-pit mine truck after each cycle of periodic preventive maintenance, established the failure rate function of open-pit mine truck after each cycle of periodic preventive maintenance. Based on the failure rate function of open-pit mine truck, total preventive maintenance cost model including periodic preventive maintenance costs and minor repair costs of open-pit mine truck was established, and solution algorithm was designed to obtain optimal periodic preventive maintenance strategy for open-pit mine truck. The results show that: when operating time of open-pit mine truck was determined, preventive maintenance cost first decreases and then increases with the increase in the number of preventive maintenance, and first becomes smaller and then larger as the preventive maintenance cycle becomes longer; As the operating time increases , the number of optimal preventive maintenance increase slower; The optimized periodic preventive maintenance strategy for open-pit trucks requires less cost than the common maintenance strategy, and the difference becomes larger as the operating time becomes  longer. Constructing failure rate function of open-pit mine truck based on the age-reduction model, and to study the periodic preventive maintenance strategies of trucks with different operating hours, which can provide effective solutions for preventive maintenance and management of mining equipment.


