
崔 耀,叶 壮. 基于5G+云边端协同技术的采煤机智能调高调速  控制系统设计与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(6):205−216

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1017

崔 耀,叶 壮. 基于5G+云边端协同技术的采煤机智能调高调速  控制系统设计与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(6):205−216

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1017

CUI Yao,YE Zhuang. Research on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative intelligent control of coal shearer based on 5G communication[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(6):205−216

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1017

CUI Yao,YE Zhuang. Research on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative intelligent control of coal shearer based on 5G communication[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(6):205−216

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1017

基于5G+云边端协同技术的采煤机智能调高调速  控制系统设计与应用

Research on cloud-edge-terminal collaborative intelligent control of coal shearer based on 5G communication

  • 摘要: 当前采煤机控制系统难以应对井下工作面复杂工况,采煤机智能调高调速控制的实现面临三大技术难题:传统4G、WiFi等无线通信技术的数据通信能力不足、集中式云计算平台的数据处理协同性低、割煤控制需要较多的人工干预辅助。为促进采煤机以及整个综采工作面的智能化发展,从解决采煤机5G通信、云边端协同、智能调高调速控制等关键技术出发,研制了一种基于5G+云边端协同技术的采煤机智能调高调速控制系统,对系统采用的5G通信技术和云边端协同技术进行了详细阐述,对采煤机智能调高调速控制系统的硬件平台和通信网络进行了介绍。采煤机智能调高调速控制系统采用基于特征级融合和决策级互补的多模态融合煤岩分布识别模型,并且在煤岩分布识别技术的基础上通过“记忆割煤+煤岩分布识别干预”的采煤机智能调高调速控制策略进行截割控制。在神东保德煤矿81309工作面对该控制系统进行了为期2个月的应用测试。测试结果发现:采煤机实时通讯丢包率约为0.003%,采煤机到集控中心之间的端到端平均通信时延下降了75%,采煤机滚筒故障率下降了约42%,前部刮板输送机煤炭混矸率下降了42.9%,验证了该采煤机智能控制系统及硬件平台的实用性及可行性。该项工作提高了采煤机控制的智能化程度和可靠性水平,能够进行推广与应用,促进综采工作面的智能化发展。


    Abstract: The current shearer control system is difficult to deal with the complex working conditions of the underground working face. The realization of the intelligent height and speed regulation control of the shearer is faced with three major technical problems:the lack of data communication capacity of traditional 4G, WiFi and other wireless communication technologies, the low data processing synergy of the centralized cloud computing platform, and the need for high manual intervention assistance for coal cutting control. In order to promote the intelligent development of the shearer and the whole fully mechanized mining face, starting from solving the key technologies of the shearer such as 5G communication technology, cloud-side-end collaboration technology, intelligent height and speed regulation control technology, a shearer intelligent height and speed regulation control system based on 5G+cloud-side-end collaboration technology was developed, and the 5G communication technology and cloud-side-end collaboration technology used in the system were described in detail, the hardware platform and communication network of the shearer intelligent height adjustment and speed regulation control system were introduced. The shearer intelligent height and speed regulation control system adopts a multimodal fusion coal rock distribution identification model based on feature level fusion and decision level complementarity, and on the basis of coal rock distribution identification technology, the shearer intelligent height adjustment and speed regulation control strategy of "memory cutting coal+coal rock distribution identification intervention" is used for cutting control. The 81309 Working Face in Shendong Baode Coal Mine conducted a 2-month application test of the control system, the test results showed that the packet loss rate of the real-time communication of the shearer was about 0.003%, the end-to-end average communication delay between the shearer and the centralized control center had decreased by 75%, the failure rate of the shearer drum had decreased by 42%, and the coal gangue mixing rate of the front scraper conveyor had decreased by 42.9%, which verified the practicality and feasibility of the shearer intelligent control system and the hardware platform. The work improved the intelligent degree and reliability level of shearer control, which can be popularized and applied to promote the intelligent development of fully mechanized mining face.


