吕俊复,蒋 苓,柯希玮,等. 碳中和背景下循环流化床燃烧技术在中国的发展前景[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(1):514−522. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1609
引用本文: 吕俊复,蒋 苓,柯希玮,等. 碳中和背景下循环流化床燃烧技术在中国的发展前景[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(1):514−522. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1609
LYU Junfu,JIANG Ling,KE Xiwei,et al. Future of circulating fluidized bed combustion technology in China for carbon neutralization[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):514−522. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1609
Citation: LYU Junfu,JIANG Ling,KE Xiwei,et al. Future of circulating fluidized bed combustion technology in China for carbon neutralization[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):514−522. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1609


Future of circulating fluidized bed combustion technology in China for carbon neutralization

  • 摘要: 循环流化床(CFB)燃烧技术因其独特的低成本污染控制优势得到了高度重视,近年来我国在此领域的技术发展取得了长足的进步。回顾了我国CFB燃烧技术的发展历程,从最初的跟踪学习到技术创新,走出了一条适应中国国情的独立创新发展道路,先后开发出高性能CFB锅炉、节能型CFB锅炉和超低排放CFB锅炉,同时提高蒸汽参数和大型化,引领了CFB技术的国际发展。目前我国成为世界上CFB锅炉最大的设备供应商和使用者,CFB发电机组作为我国燃煤发电体系中的重要组成部分,为可靠廉价电力供应和劣质燃料消纳做出了重要贡献。碳中和条件下,煤炭作为保底能源在电力系统安全托底中不可或缺。作为低热值煤以及难燃高硫无烟煤的高效清洁发电利用的主要方式,CFB锅炉应在深度调峰和快速变负荷灵活性方面展现更大优势。结合新能源高比例消纳的调峰需求,可以开发粉煤CFB锅炉技术、探索分布式小容量高参数CFB锅炉、挖掘CFB机组0~100%负荷长周期压火与快速热态启动潜力,进一步提高CFB机组运行灵活性;在运行灵活性基础上发挥CFB锅炉燃料灵活性的优势,突破高硫无烟煤超超临界高效发电与超低排放同步实现的难题,消纳煤炭绿色开采洗选副产的劣质燃料,纯烧或者掺烧城市污泥、生活垃圾、生物质等低碳可燃废弃物,开发灵活性下的超低排放控制技术,实现CFB机组智能化,助力我国能源结构转型发展。


    Abstract: More attention is paid on the circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion technology because of its advantage in low cost emission control. Recently, great achievements have been realized in China. The development history of CFB combustion technology in China for decades is reviewed in this paper, from learning to independent technological innovation. High-performance CFB boilers, energy-saving CFB boilers and ultra-low emissions CFB boilers have be successively developed, while improving steam parameters and realizing large-scale. At present, China has become the largest equipment supplier and user of CFB boilers in the world. As an important part of China's coal-fired power generation system, important contributions have been made to reliable and cheap power supply and low-quality fuel consumption. For the carbon neutralization, coal will be indispensable in the security of power system as the guaranteed energy. As the main way of efficient and clean utilization of low calorific value coal and high sulfur anthracite, greater advantages of CFB boiler in deep peak regulation and rapid load changing flexibility should be exploited. To meet the peak regulating demand of high proportion of new energy consumption, pulverized coal CFB technology can be developed, distributed small-capacity high-parameter CFBs can be explored, and the potential of 0-100% load long-term combustion break and fast restart of CFB units can be explored, so as to further improve the operational flexibility of CFB units. On the basis of operation flexibility, the advantages of CFB boiler fuel flexibility are used to realize high-sulfur anthracite ultra-supercritical high-efficiency power generation and to achieve ultra-low emissions simultaneously. Furthermore, mixed fuel CFB power generation should be developed to realize the consumption of low-carbon combustible wastes such as municipal sludge, domestic waste, biomass and other inferior fuels from of coal mining and washing. In addition, ultra-low emission control technology under flexible operation and intelligent CFB power generation technology should be developed to assist the transformation and development of China's energy structure.


