
巩师鑫,任怀伟,黄 伟,等. 复杂起伏煤层自适应开采截割路径优化与仿真[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):210−218

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1651

巩师鑫,任怀伟,黄 伟,等. 复杂起伏煤层自适应开采截割路径优化与仿真[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):210−218

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1651

GONG Shixin,REN Huaiwei,HUANG Wei,et al. Optimization and simulation of adaptive mining cutting path in complex undulating coal seam[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):210−218

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1651

GONG Shixin,REN Huaiwei,HUANG Wei,et al. Optimization and simulation of adaptive mining cutting path in complex undulating coal seam[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):210−218

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1651


Optimization and simulation of adaptive mining cutting path in complex undulating coal seam

  • 摘要: 采煤机自适应煤层起伏变化自主规划截割是实现煤矿智能无人开采的关键问题之一。然而,现有采煤机截割规划对复杂地质条件变化的自适应性相对薄弱。针对煤层分布信息特征考虑不全和缺乏适用于不同起伏条件的综采工作面采煤机截割路径规划模型以及连续规划精度差等问题,提出一种基于煤层起伏信息与采煤机滚筒高度预测的复杂起伏煤层自适应开采截割路径优化模型。首先,基于粒子群优化最小二乘支持向量机建立采煤机滚筒高度时间序列预测模型,实现采煤机滚筒高度精准超前预测。然后,分别构建以采煤机上下滚筒截割线与煤层上下分界线偏离最小为优化目标的近水平条件、俯斜开采条件和仰斜开采条件下的综采工作面自适应截割路径规划优化模型,利用多约束优化算法求解最优路径,从而实现适用于多种开采条件下的综采工作面自适应截割路径规划。通过数据仿真验证,采煤机滚筒截割高度预测精度达到84.11%以上,优化截割路径与模拟煤层分界线平均绝对百分比误差最大为3.13,所提方法能够在实现采煤机滚筒截割轨迹高精度预测的基础上完成复杂条件综采工作面的自适应截割路径连续规划,为复杂起伏变化工作面采煤机截割路径自适应规划应用提供参考。


    Abstract: Adaptive cutting planning of shearer based on the fluctuation of coal seam is one of the key problems to realize intelligent unmanned mining in coal mine. However, the adaptability of existing shearer cutting planning scheme considering the changes of complex geological conditions is relatively weak. Aiming at the problems of incomplete consideration of coal seam distribution information characteristics, lack of appropriate shearer cutting path planning model for different undulating conditions and poor continuous planning accuracy in fully mechanized coal mining faces, an adaptive cutting path optimization model for complex undulating coal seams is proposed. Firstly, the time series prediction model of shearer drum height is established based on particle swarm optimization least squares support vector machine, which can realize accurate and advanced prediction of shearer drum height. Then, the optimization models of adaptive cutting path planning for fully mechanized working face under near horizontal conditions and inclined mining conditions are constructed respectively, with the objective of minimizing the deviation between the cutting lines of shearers and the boundary lines of coal seams. Finally, the optimal path is solved by multi-constraint optimization algorithm to realize the comprehensive mining working face adaptive cutting path planning for various mining conditions. Through data simulation, the accuracy of shearer drum cutting height prediction model is above 84.11%, and the maximum average absolute percentage error between the optimized cutting path and the simulated coal seam boundary is 3.13. The proposed method can achieve high-precision prediction of the cutting trajectory of the shearer drum and achieve continuous adaptive cutting path planning for complex conditions in fully mechanized mining faces, providing a reference for the application of adaptive cutting path planning for shearers in complex undulating working faces.


