
谢嘉成,郑子盈,王学文,等. 基于工业元宇宙的综采工作面虚实融合运行模式初步探索[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(10):266−279

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1864

谢嘉成,郑子盈,王学文,等. 基于工业元宇宙的综采工作面虚实融合运行模式初步探索[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(10):266−279

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1864

XIE Jiacheng,ZHENG Ziying,WANG Xuewen,et al. Preliminary research on the operation mode of virtual-real integration in fully-mechanized mining face based on industrial metaverse[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(10):266−279

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1864

XIE Jiacheng,ZHENG Ziying,WANG Xuewen,et al. Preliminary research on the operation mode of virtual-real integration in fully-mechanized mining face based on industrial metaverse[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(10):266−279

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1864


Preliminary research on the operation mode of virtual-real integration in fully-mechanized mining face based on industrial metaverse

  • 摘要: 以数字孪生技术形成虚实融合的运行模式是推进智能化建设的关键,而以数字孪生为基础的工业元宇宙是智采工作面未来发展的方向。提出基于虚拟现实−数字孪生−信息物理系统−工业元宇宙的综采工作面虚实融合运行模式构想,具有展示与离线模拟、监测与辅助操作、在线模拟与预演等六大内涵特征,是逐渐由低层级的展示模拟到高层级深度融合功能的演变过程,最终具备由实到虚精准的复制映射能力、虚拟迭代的推理预测决策能力、由虚到实的复制控制能力以及虚实人机无缝协作和精益化管理四大能力。分析工业元宇宙所具备的4种能力和实现工业元宇宙的关键技术。在已有的监测、决策、控制能力的基础上融入能加强现场操作人员与远程操作人员协作能力的AR远程协助技术、能加强操作人员安全性的机器人协同技术与能在虚拟空间内利用AI驱动运行的虚拟人技术,构建了基于工业元宇宙的液压支架调架实验系统,形成工业元宇宙在煤矿开采中应用的初步认识。


    Abstract: The key to promoting intelligent construction is to integrate the digital twin technology form the operation mode of virtual and real integration. And the industrial metaverse based on digital twin is the future development direction of intelligent mining face. The concept of virtual and real integration operation mode of fully-mechanized mining face based on virtual reality-digital twin-cyber physical system-industrial metaverse is proposed. It has six connotation characteristics, such as display and off-line simulation, monitoring and auxiliary operation, online simulation and preview. It is an evolution process from low-level display simulation to high-level deep integration function. Finally, it have four abilities : the ability of reproduction mapping from real to virtual precision, the ability of reasoning and forecasting decision-making in virtual iteration, the ability of reproduction control from virtual to real, the ability of seamless cooperation between virtual and real human-computer, and the ability of lean management. The four capabilities of industrial metaverse and the key technologies to realize industrial metaverse are analyzed.Based on the existing monitoring, decision-making and control capabilities, AR remote assistance technology that can strengthen the cooperation ability between field operators and remote operators, robot cooperation technology that can strengthen the safety of operators, and virtual human technology that can use AI-driven operation in virtual space are integrated to build a hydraulic support adjusting experimental system based on industrial metaveise,and preliminary understanding of the application of industrial metaverse in coal mining.


