毕银丽,罗 睿,柯增鸣,等. 接菌对根土复合体抗剪拉作用机理及其矿山生态修复潜力[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(1):493−501. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2167
引用本文: 毕银丽,罗 睿,柯增鸣,等. 接菌对根土复合体抗剪拉作用机理及其矿山生态修复潜力[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(1):493−501. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2167
BI Yinli,LUO Rui,KE Zengming,et al. Mechanisms of shear tension resistance of root-soil complexes by inoculated bacteria and potential for ecological restoration in mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):493−501. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2167
Citation: BI Yinli,LUO Rui,KE Zengming,et al. Mechanisms of shear tension resistance of root-soil complexes by inoculated bacteria and potential for ecological restoration in mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):493−501. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2167


Mechanisms of shear tension resistance of root-soil complexes by inoculated bacteria and potential for ecological restoration in mines

  • 摘要: 煤炭开采形成了露天排土场和井工沉陷地,改变了原始地貌和生态。露天排土场边坡不稳易 水土流失造成滑坡剪切植被根系,井工沉陷致使地裂缝发育拉伤植物根系,因而矿山生态修复的关 键之一是增强植物根系的抗剪切和抗拉伤性能。微生物复垦具有改善土壤理化性状、促进植物根系发育 和抗逆境等功能,接菌对根土复合体抗剪切和拉伤的作用对于揭示其矿山生态修复机理奠定了基础。人工修复后,植物根系与土壤形成根土复合体,可大幅增加土体的抗剪强度,增强浅层土体的稳定性,有效降低了露天排土场边坡水土流失和缓解了根系拉伤。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)和深色有隔内生真菌(DSE)两种微生物在根际普遍存在,与根系形成的菌根共生体和根际土壤黏结在一起成为根菌土复合体,其抗剪切作用机理及影响因素目前研究较少。因此,本文针对根土复合体的力学特性及影响因素、接菌后对根土复合体抗剪切影响及在煤矿区生态修复潜力进行综述,同时结合试验数据分析得出,联合接种AMF和DSE可显著提高了植物地下生物量、土壤黏聚力、根土复合土体的抗剪强度。微生物复垦技术不仅提高人工修复植被成活率及抗逆性,还可增强抗剪切或抗拉伤等力学特性,对于 矿区生态修复具有重要的应用潜力。


    Abstract: Coal mining has formed open-pit dumps and underground subsidence areas, changing the original landform and ecology. The instability of the open-pit dump slope is easy to cause soil erosion, which causes the landslide to shear the vegetation root system. The underground subsidence causes the ground fissure to develop and damage the plant root system. Therefore, one of the keys to mine ecological restoration is to enhance the shear resistance and strain resistance of plant roots. Microbial reclamation has the functions of improving soil physical and chemical properties, promoting plant root development and stress resistance. The effect of inoculation on the shear and tensile resistance of root-soil complex is have laid a good foundation for revealing the mechanism of mine ecological restoration. After artificial restoration, plant roots and soil to form a root-soil complex, which can greatly increase the shear strength of the soil, enhance the stability of the shallow soil, effectively reduce the soil and water loss of the slope of the open-pit dump and relieve the root starin. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) or dark septate endophytic fungi (DSE) are ubiquitous in the rhizosphere, and their mycorrhizal symbionts formed with roots are bonded to the rhizosphere soil to form a root-soil complex. There are few studies on the mechanism and influencing factors of shear resistance. Therefore, the influencing factors, mechanism of action and ecological restoration potential of root-soil complex inoculated with microorganisms in mining areas are reviewed in this artical. At the same time, combined with the analysis of experimental data, it is concluded that the underground biomass, soil cohesion and shear strength of root-soil composite soil inoculated with AMF and DSE are significantly improved. Microbial reclamation technology not only improves the survival rate and stress resistance of artificial restoration vegetation.


