
曾一凡,武 强,赵苏启,等. 我国煤矿水害事故特征、致因与防治对策[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(7):1−14

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2023-0500

曾一凡,武 强,赵苏启,等. 我国煤矿水害事故特征、致因与防治对策[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(7):1−14

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2023-0500

ZENG Yifan,WU Qiang,ZHAO Suqi,et al. Characteristics, causes, and prevention measures of coal mine water hazard accidents in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(7):1−14

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2023-0500

ZENG Yifan,WU Qiang,ZHAO Suqi,et al. Characteristics, causes, and prevention measures of coal mine water hazard accidents in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(7):1−14

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2023-0500


Characteristics, causes, and prevention measures of coal mine water hazard accidents in China

  • 摘要: 水害作为煤矿“五大灾害”之一,在威胁煤矿安全生产和职工生命安全方面,已成为仅次于瓦斯事故的第二大“杀手”。2000—2022年,全国煤矿共发生水害事故1206起、死亡5018人,其中较大以上水害事故103起,死亡2039人。为总结事故教训,探寻事故规律,用事故教训推动水害防治工作,从地理区域、年代、季节、水文地质类型、突水水源和煤矿企业所有制等对水害事故特征进行了不同维度的统计和分析。结果表明,在事故特征方面,矿井水文地质类型复杂程度与水害事故发生频率高度一致;华南地区事故起数和伤亡人数位居首位,且全年内水害事故高发期主要集中在3—5月和7—8月;老空水是水害事故的主要充水水源,具有极强的隐蔽性和危害性,并且主要发生在技术探查及管理能力更弱的乡镇所有制煤矿中。在事故致因方面,客观上开采环境复杂,主观上重视不够,即管理不当和违法违规开采,是事故发生的主要原因;点状的陷落柱和线状断层构造等隐蔽导水内边界以及老空水等未按规定探放,是事故发生的主要技术原因。最后,采用文献计量学可视化分析发现,当前煤矿水害方面聚焦的研究主题可以很好地对应“预测预报、有疑必探、先探后掘、先治后采”的煤矿防治水原则。从破解煤矿水害“风险查不清”“有险断不准”“出险治不了”等困境出发,相应从矿井充水因素和隐蔽致灾地质因素普查、立体充水水文地质条件分析以及分类源头精准防治等3大方面提出相应的对策;并顺应水害防控信息化和智能化发展趋势,提出透明矿山、水害灾变监测预警和应急救援等保障技术措施。


    Abstract: As one of the top “five major hazards” in coal mines, water hazards have become the second leading cause of danger for coal mine safety and worker lives, next only to gas accidents. Between 2000 and 2022, a total of 1206 water hazard accidents occurred in coal mines in China, resulting in 5018 deaths, among which 103 larger-scale events resulted in 2039 deaths. In order to identify accident patterns, summarize lessons learned, and promote prevention of water hazard accidents, various aspects were analyzed statistically, including geographical regions, years, seasons, hydrogeological types, water sources, and ownership of coal mines. Analyses revealed that the complexity of hydrogeological conditions highly correlated with the frequency of water-related accidents. Southern China recorded the highest number of incidents and casualties, and the peak incidence periods throughout the year mainly concentrated in March to May and July to August. Goaf water was identified as the primary source of water filling, which presented strong concealment and harm, mainly occurring in township-owned coal mines with weaker technical exploration and management capabilities. As for the causes of accidents, complex mining environments and insufficient attention subjectively, i.e., improper management and illegal mining, were the main reasons for accidents. Hidden water-bearing structures such as point-like collapse columns and linear fault structures, as well as goaf water that were not explored and placed in accordance with regulations, were identified as the main technical causes of accidents. By analyzing bibliometrics, it was found that current research themes focusing on coal mine water disasters align well with the principles of “predicting and forecasting, exploring if in doubt, exploring before mining, treating before mining”. To address the problems of “unclear risk assessment, inaccurate risk identification, and incapability to cope with accidents” in coal mine water disasters, corresponding countermeasures were proposed in three aspects: surveying filling factors and hidden geological factors causing disasters, analyzing three-dimensional hydrogeological conditions of filling water, and implementing an accurate classification source prevention. In response to the trend of informationization and intelligent development of water disaster prevention and control, technical measures such as transparent mines, water disaster monitoring and early warning, and emergency rescue were proposed.


