马占国, 孙凯, 赵国贞, 潘银光, 范金泉. 煤矿井下湿法分选系统设计[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
引用本文: 马占国, 孙凯, 赵国贞, 潘银光, 范金泉. 煤矿井下湿法分选系统设计[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
Design of Wet Coal Separation System in Underground Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).
Citation: Design of Wet Coal Separation System in Underground Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).


Design of Wet Coal Separation System in Underground Mine

  • 摘要: 随着煤矿薄煤层开采过程中矸石量的不断增多,很大程度上降低了矿井的实际产能。若把选煤厂转移到煤矿井下,实现井下煤炭的分选,将会取得较大的社会效益和经济效益。因此根据我国高含矸率煤炭的分选提出了煤炭井下分选构思:①改变原煤提升至地面排矸、地面分选的传统工艺,实现井下分选和矸石充填一体化,解决矸石污染和采空区地表沉陷问题;②通过井下分选系统,实现精煤上井、矸石充填、井下水循环的高效绿色开采模式;③对设备提出防爆隔爆、防尘、防静电等技术要求,以达到分选设备在井下工作的要求。


    Abstract: With the coal rejects quantity continuously increased in the mine thin seam mining, the mine actual production capacity would be highly decreased.lf the coal preparation plant move and set up in the underground mine to prepare the coal in the underground mine, high social and economic benefits would be obtained.Thu s based on the coal preparation of the high coal reject content coal in China, the paper provided the conception of the coal separation in underground mine.①To chang e the traditional technique of the raw coal lifting to the surface for the coal rejects and coal separation and to have a coal preparation and coal rejects backilling integra tion in underground mine could solve the coal rejects pollution and goaf surface subsidence problems.②The application of the coal preparation system in underground mine would have a high efficient green mining mode with cleaned coal lifted to surface, coal rejects backfilling in the underground mine and mine water recycled in the u nderground mine.③The technical requirements of the flame proof, explosion proof, dust control, electrostatic prevention and others were provided for the equipment in order to let the coal preparation equipment meet the underground operation requirements.


