马 砺1,张 朔1,邹 立1,拓龙龙2
(1.西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054;2.内蒙古昊盛煤业有限公司 通风队,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017212)
摘 要:煤自燃不仅严重威胁着矿井的安全生产,甚至会引发火灾事故造成资源浪费和人员伤亡。煤岩体之间的热传导是引起煤自燃的关键因素之一,因此对煤岩体的传热能力开展研究是很有必要的。煤的导热系数是判定煤岩热传导能力的重要参数。在本研究中,为了分析不同变质程度煤的导热系数,探究温度和含水量对煤样导热系数的影响,在不同环境温度和含水量情况下分别测试了焦煤、长焰煤、褐煤、无烟煤和不黏煤这5种不同变质程度的煤样。采用LFA457型激光导热仪对这几种不同变质程度煤样的导热系数进行了测定。此外,应用Pearson相关系数法分析了不同煤质指标对煤样导热系数的影响规律。试验结果表明:煤样的导热系数与其变质程度呈负相关,即随变质程度的增加而逐渐减小;当温度为-50~10 ℃时,煤样的导热系数随着温度升高而显著升高;在10~50 ℃时,煤样的导热系数呈现出先缓慢增大最后趋于平稳的趋势;煤样的变质程度越低,其含水量对导热系数的影响越大;Pearson相关系数法的分析结果表明煤质指标对煤样导热系数影响的重要程度依次为灰分、固定碳、挥发分和水分。该试验研究有助于了解不同变质程度煤导热系数的影响因素及变化规律,并可进一步为煤火灾害的防治工作提供一定的理论基础。
MA Li1,ZHANG Shuo1,ZOU Li1,TUO Longlong2
(1.School of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China;2.Ventilation Team,Inner Mongolia Haosheng Coal Industry Co., Ltd.,Erdos 017000,China)
Abstract:Coal spontaneous combustion is a serious threat in safe production of coal, which could result in a coal fire, causing waste of resources and serious injuries and fatalities.Heat transfer between coal and rock is one of the key factors causing coal spontaneous combustion.Thus, research on heat transfer between coal and rock is essential to reduce coal spontaneous combustion.The thermal conductivity of coal is a major parameter for determining the thermal ability of coal.In this study, we analyze the thermal conductivity of different ranks of coal and investigate the effect of temperature and moisture content on thermal conductivity.Five coal samples of different ranks,namely coking coal, long flame coal, lignite, anthracite, and non-stick coal,were tested respectively under different ambient temperatures and moisture contents.Meanwhile, the thermal conductivity of these five coal samples was measured by the LFA457 laser thermal conductivity meter.In addition, the Pearson correlation coefficient methodwas applied to explore the effect of different coal compositions on thermal conductivity.The results indicate that the thermal conductivity of coal samples is negatively correlated with thecoal rank.In another word, lower thermal conductivity is associated with higher coal rank.When temperature is -50~10 ℃, the thermal conductivity of coal increases swiftly with the increase of temperature.When temperature is 10~50 ℃, the thermal conductivity of coal increases slowly and then tends to be stable.A lower degree of coal maturity indicates a greater effect of moisture content on thermal conductivity.It is also found that ash has the most significant influence on thermal conductivity of coal, then followed by fixed carbon, volatile matter,and moisture.This experimental study provides an understanding of influence factors and variation laws of thermal conductivity of different ranks of coal, and further provides a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of coal fire disasters.
Key words:thermal conductivity of coal;Pearson correlation coefficient method;temperature;moisture content
马 砺,张 朔,邹 立,等.不同变质程度煤导热系数试验分析[J].煤炭科学技术,2019,47(6):146-150.doi:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2019.06.022
MA Li,ZHANG Shuo,ZOU Li,et al.Experimental analysis of thermal conductivity of different ranks of coal[J].Coal Science and Technology,2019,47(6):146-150.doi:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2019.06.022
作者简介:马 砺(1978—),男,四川隆昌人,教授,博士。 E-mail:mal@xust.edu.cn
取淮南张集焦煤、硫磺沟长焰煤、新疆淮东褐煤、辛庄无烟煤和石拉乌苏不黏煤5种不同变质程度的煤样作为试验样本,使其满足标准GB/T 212—2008《煤的工业分析方法》要求[13],表1展示了5种煤样的工业分析参数。
表1 煤样工业分析数据
Table1 Coal sample industry analysis data
将淮南张集焦煤、硫磺沟长焰煤、新疆淮东褐煤、辛庄无烟煤和石拉乌苏不黏煤5种煤样打磨成直径12.7 mm、厚度为1.8 mm的样片,每个煤种4个共24个,从中各取2个测其原煤样导热系数。为改变煤样含水率各取1个样片置于65 ℃恒温干燥箱中进行干燥处理,12 h后取出待其质量无变化后标记为干燥样片;再各取1个样片放入水容器内浸泡12 h后取出,待其质量无变化后标记为饱和水样片。
α=0.138 79L2/t1/2
选取-50—+50 ℃温度区间下5种煤样的导热系数随温度的变化规律,得到如图1所示的分布情况。
图1 5种煤样导热系数随温度的变化
Fig.1 The thermal conductivity of five coal samples changes with temperature
由图1可知,除不黏煤呈现波动式上升以外,其余淮南张集焦煤、硫磺沟长焰煤、新疆淮东褐煤、辛庄无烟煤均呈现-50~10 ℃时导热系数随着温度的升高而显著升高的趋势,前后上升幅度为0.02 W/(m·K)左右,10~50 ℃后煤的导热系数缓慢上升并趋于平稳。
在-50~0 ℃段,产生少量固态水,由于固态水的导热系数比煤体本身导热系数要高,随着温度升高,导热系数上升较为明显。当升温到0 ℃以上时,固态水转化为液态水,并进一步转化为气态水,由于水蒸气的扩散所引起的对流以及水蒸气的导热系数比煤体孔隙间的空气的导热系数大,所以导热系数表现为缓慢上升,当其中的气态水趋于饱和时,运移速度减缓,使得导热系数最终渐趋平稳[19]。
图2 5种变质程度煤样含水量对导热系数的影响
Fig.2 Effect of water content of five kinds of metamorphic coal samples on thermal conductivity
选取淮南张集焦煤、硫磺沟长焰煤、新疆淮东褐煤、新庄无烟煤、石拉乌苏不黏煤的原煤样,在-50~50 ℃,每10 ℃选取1个点,导热系数见表2。通过使用Pearson法计算所得的结果见表3。
表2 5种不同变质程度原煤样温度与导热系数的关系
Table 2 Temperature and thermal conductivity of
five different metamorphic coal samples
表3 5种不同变质程度原煤样的Pearson相关系数
Table 3 Pearson correlation coefficient of five different metamorphic coal samples
2)通过对5种不同变质程度的煤样进行工业分析和导热系数测定,发现对于饱和水煤样和干燥煤样而言,温度在-50~10 ℃时导热系数随着温度的升高而明显升高,10~50 ℃时煤的导热系数趋于平缓。
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