
韩丹丹,胡胜勇,张 奡,郝国才,胡岚清

(太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024)

摘 要:基于岩块间应力的传递和演化会改变采空区垮落岩体的密实程度,进而影响垮落岩体空隙的分布,最终影响采空区瓦斯的流动特性,为了解采空区瓦斯运移通道,获得控制瓦斯流动的理论依据,基于离散单元法,采用Hertz-Mindlin接触模型,通过自编程序,分别模拟了直径为0.6、0.8、1.0 m的岩块组成的垮落岩体在轴向应变为0、0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20和0.25下的压实过程,研究了采空区垮落岩体内应力是如何通过改变岩块间的接触网络来影响垮落岩体空隙率的分布。研究结果表明:垮落岩体内应力通过岩块间的接触网络进行传递,随轴向应变增大,垮落岩体内应力逐渐增大,传递应力的接触网络也越密集;压缩过程中,外部载荷无法从垮落岩体顶部的受力端均匀地传递到下部,使垮落岩体上部岩块受力大于下部,且随轴向应变增大,岩块间接触力较大的区域自垮落岩体上部向下不断扩展;由于垮落岩体下部岩块受外力扰动小,使垮落岩体下部岩块间的接触网络较疏松,配位数较小。垮落岩体自下向上空隙率先急剧降低,随后缓慢下降。其中自然堆积状况下,垮落岩体因自重所产生的应力较小,不同层位岩块的配位数相差较小,使垮落岩体底部空隙率仅为上部空隙率的1.1倍。而在压实状况下,垮落岩体不同层位岩块受力相差较大,垮落岩体底部岩块的配位数远小于垮落岩体上部,导致垮落岩体底部空隙率是上部空隙率的1.4倍。


0 引 言




1 数值模拟方法

1.1 数学模型





















1.2 物理模型

以山西霍州煤电李雅庄矿2-607工作面采空区为原型,其中2-607工作面采空区垮落带的高度约为10 m。由于2-607工作面采空区的长度与宽度较大,将采空区抽象为10 m × 10 m × 10 m的垮落岩体单元,模拟采空区上覆岩层作用下,采空区不同位置垮落岩体的受力状态,如图1所示。

图1 三维岩块群物理压缩模型
Fig.1 Three-dimensional rock blocks group physical
compression model


泊松比0.35岩块密度/(kg·m-3)2 200剪切模量/(N·m-2)1.85×109阻尼系数/(N·s·m-1)0.3静摩擦因数0.1动摩擦因数0.05

2 数值结果与分析

2.1 岩块受力


将垮落岩体自下而上每1 m划分为一个单元,由于垮落岩体压缩25%后的高度为7.5 m,因此在此仅分析7 m高的垮落岩体内岩块间平均接触力,如图3所示。由图3可知:由于外部载荷难以自岩体顶部的受力端均匀的传递到岩体底部,使垮落岩体上部岩块受外部载荷扰动较大,导致垮落岩体内岩块间接触力自下而上整体呈上升趋势。岩体轴向应变从0增加到0.25过程中,由于岩块间的挤压和摩擦作用增强,导致岩块间的接触力也不断增大。

2.2 岩块细观特征配位数的分布

垮落岩体内某一岩块可能与周围一个或多个岩块相互接触,配位数为目标岩块与周围岩块接触的个数,平均配位数为垮落岩体内岩块的总配位数与岩块数量的比值,配位数则在细观尺度下表征垮落岩体的密实程度[24-25]。外部载荷作用下,垮落岩体内应力通过岩块间的接触网络进行传递,岩块的配位数体现了垮落岩体细观结构的密实程度,岩块配位数越大,垮落岩体内传递应力的接触网络就越密集。垮落岩体内岩块配位数的演化过程如图4所示。由图4可知:当垮落岩体轴向应变ε=0时,垮落岩体内的岩块以青色为主,其中直径为0.8 m的岩块组成的岩体的平均配位数为5.1,随轴向应变的增大,垮落岩体内岩块间接触力增大,岩块间的连接网络越来越密实,使岩块的配位数也逐渐增大。当垮落岩体轴向应变为ε=0.25时,垮落岩体内的岩块以红色为主,直径为0.8 m的岩块组成的岩体的平均配位数达7.8。

将岩块配位数从小到大排列,统计垮落岩体内不同配位数岩块数目,求不同配位数岩块的分布频率,如图5所示。由图5可知:不同粒径岩块的配位数的频率分布整体均呈单峰结构。随配位数的增加,岩块的数量呈现先增加后降低的趋势。以直径为0.8 m的岩块组成的岩体为例,当垮落岩体轴向应变为ε=0时,配位数为5的岩块占比最大。随

图2 岩块间接触力的演化
Fig.2 Evolution of contact forces between rock blocks


图3 垮落岩体内不同层位岩块接触力的分布
Fig.3 Contact forces distribution of rock blocks in different layers of crushed rock mass

图4 配位数演化过程
Fig.4 Evolution of coordination number

图5 岩块配位数的频率分布曲线
Fig.5 Probability density functions of coordination number of rock blocks


2.3 宏观尺度下垮落岩体的空隙率

不同层位垮落岩体空隙率的分布如图7所示。由图7可知:相同轴向应变下,垮落岩体空隙率自下向上先快速降低,随后缓慢降低,其中自垮落岩体底部向上2 m范围岩体的空隙率最大。以D=0.8 m的岩块组成的垮落岩体为例,当轴向应变为0时,垮落岩体底部空隙率是上部空隙率的1.1倍。由于垮落岩体下部岩块受到外部载荷扰动较小,岩块堆积较松散,导致轴向应变越大,垮落岩体上下层位空隙率的差值会越大,当岩体轴向应变为0.25时,岩体底部空隙率是上部空隙率的1.4倍。


图6 垮落岩体内不同层位岩块的配位数的分布情况
Fig.6 Distribution of coordination numbers at different horizons of crushed rock mass

图7 不同层位岩体空隙率的分布
Fig.7 Distributions of voidage at different horizons

图8 配位数和空隙率随岩体轴向应变的变化
Fig.8 Curves of coordination number and voidage with aixal strain

3 效果验证


图9 垮落岩体轴向应变与空隙率关系
Fig.9 Relationship between axial strain of
crushed rock mass and voidage

4 结 论





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Study on voidage distribution regulation and formation mechanism of crushed rock mass in gob

HAN Dandan,HU Shengyong,ZHANG Ao,HAO Guocai,HU Lanqing

(College of Safety and Emergency Management Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China)

Abstract:The transfer and evolution of stress between rock blocks will change the compactness of crushed rock mass in the gob,and then affect the void distributions of crushed rock mass,and finally change the flow of gas in the gob.In this paper,a discrete element method was used,along with the Hertz-Mindl in contact model and self-programming.The compaction processes of crushed rock mass composed of rock blocks with diameters of 0.6 0.8 and 1.0 m were simulated,with axial strains set at 0、0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20,and 0.25,respectively.The goal of this study was to study how the internal stress of crushed rock mass in the gob affected the void distribution of crushed rock mass by changing the contact network between the rock blocks.The results showed that the stress in crushed rock mass was transmitted through the contact network between the rock blocks,and as the axial strains increased,the stress in the crushed rock mass increased gradually,and the contact network that transmitted the stress became denser.During the compression process,the external load could not be uniformly transmitted from the top of the crushed rock mass to the lower part,so that the stress in upper part of the crashed rock mass was significantly higher than the lower part.As the axial strains increased,the range with large contact force between the rock blocks gradually expanded from the upper part of the rock mass to the lower part.Because the rock blocks in the lower part of the crushed rock mass wasless interfered by the external force,the contact network between the rock blocks in the lower part of the crushed rock mass was looser,and the coordination number of the rock blocks in the lower part of the crushed rock mass was small.The void rate of the crushed rock mass decreased sharply from bottom to top,and then slowly decreased.Under the natural accumulation condition,the stress generated by the self-weight of crushed rock mass was small,and the coordination number of rock blocks in different layers was relatively small,so that the voidage at the bottom of the crushed rock mass was only 1.1 times that in the upper of crushed rock mass.However,under compaction conditions,the stress in different layers of the crushed rock mass had a large difference,and the coordination number of the rock blocks at the bottom of crushed rock mass was much smaller than that of the upper part,so that the voidage at the bottom of the crushed rock mass was 1.4 times that in the upper of crushed rock mass.

Key words:gob;crushed rock mass;external load;coordination number;voidages


韩丹丹,胡胜勇,张 奡,等.采空区垮落岩体空隙率分布规律及其形成机理研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(11):113-120.doi:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2020.11.014

HAN Dandan,HU Shengyong,ZHANG Ao,et al.Study on voidage distribution regulation and formation mechanism of crushed rock mass in gob[J].Coal Science and Technology,2020,48(11):113-120.doi:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2020.11.014



作者简介:韩丹丹(1994—),女,河北邢台人, 硕士研究生。E-mail:1787451535@qq.com



