


(1.西安科技大学 机械工程学院,陕西 西安 710054;2.陕西省矿山机电装备智能检测与控制重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054)

摘 要:针对目前煤矿井下掘进机定位定向不准确、自动化程度低等问题,提出了一种基于光纤惯导与数字全站仪组合的掘进机自主定位定向方法。通过分析光纤惯导与数字全站仪的组合定位定向原理,建立了光纤惯导和数字全站仪的误差模型和组合定位定向系统的状态方程和量测方程,运用卡尔曼滤波器对组合定位定向系统的状态量与量测量进行预测估计,并考虑数字全站仪的定位精度对融合效果的影响,得到掘进机自主定位定向的融合信息。搭建了掘进机定位定向试验平台,通过运用惯导与全站仪组合的自主定位定向方法对模拟在巷道中线行走的掘进机进行了定位定向试验。试验结果表明:根据数字全站仪定位精度确定量测噪声方差R时,组合定位定向精度最高,其中x轴方向定位最大误差为0.03 m,y轴方向定位最大误差为0.02 m,航向角、俯仰角和横滚角定向误差小于0.005°,能够满足煤矿井下掘进机定位定向技术要求,解决了光纤惯导姿态角累计误差和位置发散问题,实现了掘进机的精确自主定位定向,为煤矿井下掘进工作面的智能化发展奠定良好的基础。


0 引 言




1 定位定向系统原理


图1 基于光纤惯导与数字全站仪的组合定位定向原理
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of combined positioning and orientation of strapdown inertial navigation and digital total station

2 定位定向系统误差模型









3 定位定向系统融合算法


3.1 定位定向系统状态方程






3.2 定位定向系统量测方程





3.3 卡尔曼滤波器设计













4 试验验证与分析


图2 定位定向试验平台
Fig.2 Experimental platform of positioning and orientation

表1 光纤惯导与数字全站仪的主要参数
Table 1 Main parameters of fiber optic inertial navigation and digital total station

型号主要参数光纤惯导(MG045)姿态精度≤0.01(°)/h加速度精度≤5×10-5 g航向保持精度≤0.01(°)/h数字全站仪(iX1001)定位精度≤0.01 m


图3 定位定向坐标系示意
Fig.3 Schematic of positioning and orientation coordinate system


1)如图2所示,运用光纤惯导静止2 h输出的姿态角变化情况如图4、5、6所示,试验结果表明:航向角、俯仰角和横滚角检测误差小于0.005°,能够提供准确的定向信息。

图4 俯仰角变化
Fig.4 Change of pitch angle

图5 横滚角变化
Fig.5 Change of roll angle

图6 航向角变化
Fig.6 Change of heading angle

2)通过GNSS卫星定位接收机检测得到初始位置为:x0=3 818 661.12 m,y0=592 377.82 m,z0=

346.47 m。融合定位系统中方差R值对融合定位精度影响很大,为验证R值对融合定位精度的影响,将数字全站仪的定位精度的平方作为组合惯导系统的量测量的方差R值。分别采用R=0.12R=0.012两种方差对掘进机直线行驶进行定位对比试验,其中R=0.012为数字全站仪的定位精度,选取部分采样点进行分析,试验结果分别如图7和图8所示。通过图7与图8的x方向、y方向定位对比可以得出:根据数字全站仪的定位精度确定方差R值后,光纤惯导与数字全站仪融合后的x方向误差在3 cm以内,y方向的误差在2 cm以内,能够实现掘进机精确定位。

图7 x方向位置解算对比
Fig.7 Comparison of position calculation in x direction

图8 y方向位置解算对比
Fig.8 Comparison of position resolution in y direction


5 结 论



3)根据数字全站仪定位精度确定系统量测量的噪声方差R值,可以获得最佳的融合定位定向精度,定位误差小于3 cm,定向误差小于0.005°,能够实现掘进机精确定位定向,对提升掘进工作面的智能化水平奠定了良好基础。


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Automatic positioning and orientation method of roadheader based on combination of ins and digital total station

MA Hongwei1,2,MAO Jingen1,2,MAO Qinghua1,2,ZHANG Xuhui1,2,LIU Boxing1,2

(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Xian University of Science and Technology,Xian 710054,China;2.Shaanxi Key Laboratoryof Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Detection and ControlXian 710054,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the problems of inaccurate positioning and orientation of the roadheader and low degree of automation,a method for autonomous positioning and orientation of the roadheader based on the combination of fiber optic inertial navigation and digital total station is proposed in the paper. By analyzing the principle of combined positioning and orientation of fiber optic strapdown inertial navigation and digital total station,the error model of fiber optic strapdown inertial navigation and digital total station and the state equation and measurement equation of combined positioning and orientation system are established,and Kalman filter is applied. The device predicts and estimates the state quantity and quantity measurement of the combined positioning and orientation system,and considers the influence of the positioning accuracy of the digital total station on the fusion effect,and obtains the fusion information of the autonomous positioning and orientation of the roadheader. An experimental platform for the positioning and orientation of the boring machine was built,and the autonomous positioning and orienting method combining the inertial navigation and the total station was experimentally verified by the boring machine simulating the lane centerline walking. The experimental results show that:when determining the measurement noise variance R according to the positioning accuracy of the digital total station,the combined positioning orientation accuracy is the highest,where the maximum error in the x-axis direction is 0.03 m,the maximum error in the y-axis direction is 0.02 m,heading angle,pitch The detection error of the angle and roll angle is less than 0.05°,which can meet the technical requirements of precise positioning and orientation of coal mine roadheaders,solve the problem of cumulative error and position divergence of optical fiber strapdown inertial navigation attitude,and realize the precise autonomous positioning and orientation of the roadheader. The intelligent development of the surface lays a good foundation.

Key words:roadheader;fiber optic strapdown inertial navigation;digital total station;positioning orientation;Kalman filter






MA Hongwei,MAO Jingen,MAO Qinghua,et al.Automatic positioning and orientation method of roadheader based on combination of ins and digital total station[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(8):189-195.




