
马 英,张德生,赵叔吉,等. 综采工作面分布式蓄能供液系统研究及应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(9):238−247

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2024-1115

马 英,张德生,赵叔吉,等. 综采工作面分布式蓄能供液系统研究及应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(9):238−247

. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2024-1115
MA Ying,ZHANG Desheng,ZHAO Shuji,et al. Research and application of liquid supply system with distributed energy accumulators in fully-mechanized mining face[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(9):238−247. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2024-1115
Citation: MA Ying,ZHANG Desheng,ZHAO Shuji,et al. Research and application of liquid supply system with distributed energy accumulators in fully-mechanized mining face[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(9):238−247. DOI: 10.12438/cst.2024-1115


Research and application of liquid supply system with distributed energy accumulators in fully-mechanized mining face

  • 摘要: 为解决综采工作面跟机移架速度慢的问题,提出了基于蓄能器的分布式供液系统,并在柠条塔S1204工作面开展了试验应用。根据工作面的采煤工艺和产能要求确定了跟机移架速度,建立了全工作面供液系统仿真模型,对液压支架单架、双架和三架同时移架的动作过程进行模拟并分析影响移架时间的因素,结果表明:为使工作面生产能力提升到1000万t/a,中部液压支架跟机速度要达到12 m/min以上,需采用双架或三架成组移架来满足其移架时间的要求。为解决该工况压力波动大且易产生丢架的现象,提出在液压支架上设置“蓄能器+单向阀”的分布式蓄能稳压方案,以平衡工作面液压系统瞬时大流量供给不足与平均供液能力过剩的矛盾,并给出了基于流量补偿的蓄能器选型方法。仿真分析表明在安装分布式稳压供液系统后,双架和三架成组移架时间分别减少6.2%和11.5%,尤其在受到其他系统用液扰动条件下,双架成组移架时间可缩短15%以上。井下应用结果表明,安装的分布式蓄能供液系统显著降低了成组拉架中的丢架现象,保证了采煤机运行速度达12 m/min以上;对工作面平均日进尺由16.7刀提高到19.8刀起到重要支撑作用,实现了常态化日进尺22刀,达到了年产1000万t的生产能力,研究工作为综采工作面快速成组跟机移架提供了有效解决方案。


    Abstract: To solve the problem of rapid following and advancing speed of support in the fully mechanized mining face, a distributed liquid supply system based on accumulators was proposed and tested in the S1204 working face in Ningtiaota Coal Mine. The speed of advancing support movement in the middle of working face was determined based on the coal mining process and capacity requirements, and a simulation model was established for the existing liquid supply system to simulate the advancing process of single, double, and triple supports, and the factors affecting the advancing time of supports were analyzed. The results showed that the following speed should reach 12 m/min to meet the capacity requirements which is 10 million tons per year of the working face. The double or triple support moving in groups was necessary to meet the requirements of advancing time. To solve the problem of large pressure fluctuations and easy support loss in this working condition, the distributed energy storage and pressure stabilization promoting scheme was proposed to balance the contradiction between insufficient instantaneous flow supply and excessive average flow supply capacity in the hydraulic system of the working face by installing “accumulator+check valve” on the hydraulic support. The design method of accumulators based on the flow compensation was also provided. The simulation results showed that after installing the accumulator, the advancing time for double and triple support movement in groups was reduced by 6.2% and 11.5% respectively. Especially after continuous interference, the advancing time for double support movement in groups could be reduce by 15%. The underground application results showed that after installing the distributed accumulators in the liquid supply system, the advancing speed of the supports was significantly improved, and the phenomenon of loss in group pulling was significantly reduced. It played an important supporting role in increasing the average daily footage of the working face from 16.7 to 19.8 cuts, with a normalized daily footage of 22 cuts, achieving an annual production capacity of 10 million tons. This study provides an effective solution method to achieve rapid movement of support in groups.


