
周文东,王和堂,司磊磊. 基于塑性区体积的掘进机截割减尘方法及综合降尘技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):104−110

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1690

周文东,王和堂,司磊磊. 基于塑性区体积的掘进机截割减尘方法及综合降尘技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):104−110

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1690

ZHOU Wendong,WANG Hetang,SI Leilei. Dust reduction method based on the volume of plastic zone and a comprehensive control technology for roadheader cutting[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):104−110

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1690

ZHOU Wendong,WANG Hetang,SI Leilei. Dust reduction method based on the volume of plastic zone and a comprehensive control technology for roadheader cutting[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):104−110

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-1690


Dust reduction method based on the volume of plastic zone and a comprehensive control technology for roadheader cutting

  • 摘要: 掘进机快速掘进巷道为煤矿高效生产提供了有力支撑,但高强度截割也会产生大量粉尘。为减少掘进机截割产尘量,降低掘进面浮尘浓度,提出通过改变掘进机截割参数实现源头减尘的方法。该方法从镐型截齿侵入煤体产生粉尘的5个步骤出发,考虑塑性区体积大小与镐型截齿齿尖角度之间的关系,减小截齿齿尖角度和截割头旋转速度以降低粉尘产生量,在煤矿综掘面开展了现场减尘试验,分析不同截割参数下产尘量的变化。为进一步治理掘进面粉尘,在减尘基础上设计了以掘进机自带外喷雾和湿式除尘风机为主、控尘风幕和感应式全断面水幕帘为辅的综合降尘方案。在掘进机司机、掘进机机身后5 m和全断面水幕帘后方2 m处设定测尘点考察降尘效果。结果表明,当更换齿尖锥角更小的截齿后(92° & 54 rpm),掘进机司机处呼尘和全尘平均质量浓度与原始条件相比分别降低了18.5%和9.1%;再降低截割头转速后(92° & 27 rpm),呼尘和全尘平均质量浓度与原始条件相比降幅为34.5%和15.8%。配套采取综合降尘措施后,掘进机司机处呼尘平均质量浓度降至4 mg/m3,降尘率为90.6%,全尘平均质量浓度降至20.5 mg/m3,降尘率为93.6%;掘进机机身后5 m处的回风侧呼尘和全尘平均质量浓度分别降至6.6 mg/m3和30.1 mg/m3,降尘率分别为86.9%和91.5%,水幕帘后方2 m处呼尘和全尘平均质量浓度分别降至2.4 mg/m3和3.9 mg/m3,降尘率分别为91.3%和95.1%。


    Abstract: Roadheaders play a vital role in enhancing coal mine production efficiency, but they also generate a significant amount of dust during high-intensity cutting. To address this issue and make dust control more manageable, an approach was developed by adjusting the cutting parameters of the roadheader. This approach is based on analyzing the five stages of dust generation during pick penetrating into the coal, while systematically considering the relationship between the plastic zone volume and the tip angle of the pick. By reducing the angle of the cutting tooth tip and the rotation speed of the cutting head, the amount of dust generated would be decreased. Field experiments were carried out at a tunneling working face to investigate the variations in dust production under different cutting parameters. To control dust at the tunneling working face, a comprehensive dust control method was implemented, including external water spray, a wet dedusting fan, an air curtain, and an inductive full-section water curtain. Dust measurement points were established at the driver of the roadheader, 5 meters behind the roadheader, and 2 meters behind the full-section water curtain to assess the effectiveness of dust control at different locations. The results revealed that replacing the conical picks with a smaller tip angle (92° & 54 rpm) resulted in decrease of average mass concentrations of respirable dust (MRD) and total dust (MTD) with 18.5% and 9.1% lower than the original conditions. Additionally, reducing the cutting head speed (92° & 27 rpm) led to MRD and MTD reductions of 34.5% and 15.8% compared with the original conditions. After implementing comprehensive dust control measures, substantial reductions in MRD and MTD were observed at different locations. At the driver of the roadheader, the average MRD was reduced to 4 mg/m3, with a dust reduction rate of 90.6%. And the average MTD decreased to 20.5 mg/m3, with a dust reduction rate of 93.6%. At 5 meters behind the roadheader, the average MRD and MTD were reduced to 6.6 mg/m3 and 30.1 mg/m3, with dust reduction rates of 86.9% and 91.5%, respectively. At 2 meters behind the water curtain, the average MRD and MTD were reduced to 2.4 mg/m3 and 3.9 mg/m3, with dust reduction rates of 91.3% and 95.1%, respectively. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in significantly reducing dust generation and ensuring a safer working environment.


