
尹希文,于秋鸽,张玉军,等. 坚硬顶板厚隔水层条件下底板突水致灾机理及全周期治理技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S1):318−327

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2032

尹希文,于秋鸽,张玉军,等. 坚硬顶板厚隔水层条件下底板突水致灾机理及全周期治理技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S1):318−327

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2032

YIN Xiwen,YU Qiuge,ZHANG Yujun,et al. Mechanism and whole cycle control technology of water inrush from coal seam floor on condition of hard roof and thick waterproof layer[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S1):318−327

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2032

YIN Xiwen,YU Qiuge,ZHANG Yujun,et al. Mechanism and whole cycle control technology of water inrush from coal seam floor on condition of hard roof and thick waterproof layer[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S1):318−327

. DOI: 10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2022-2032


Mechanism and whole cycle control technology of water inrush from coal seam floor on condition of hard roof and thick waterproof layer

  • 摘要: 峰峰矿区九龙矿4号煤层顶板为厚3.5 m的坚硬野青灰岩,煤层底板岩层组合为“厚隔水层夹薄层灰岩+奥陶系灰岩”,九龙矿开采4号野青煤以来,发生多起底板奥灰突水事故。针对煤层底板存在厚隔水层且传统井下底板加固甚至区域治理仍无法完全消除奥灰突水的现状,笔者基于零位破坏理论,建立了考虑顶板压力传递的煤层底板采动破坏力学模型,分析了顶板压力传递和承压导升作用下的底板突水致灾机理,提出底板水害“采前−采中−采后”全周期治理技术并通过井下底板验证孔−工作面涌水量−奥灰水位动态变化“三位一体”立体化监测对治理效果进行评价。研究结果表明:① 坚硬顶板条件下,采空区悬露面积大,周期来压强烈,导致底板破坏深度增加,在煤层底板导水构造阶梯式导升作用下容易发生滞后突水;② 通过采前区域治理对煤层底板进行全面加固消除致灾因素,采中对煤层底板微震事件多发、构造发育区域进行重点加固达到减水开采,采后补强加固实现保水开采,创建了工作面底板奥灰水害全周期治理模式;③ 治理后,工作面底板薄层灰岩与奥灰无水力联系,奥灰水位与工作面底板涌水量随工作面来压发生变化,但变化幅度较小,工作面涌水量仅为0.46~1.12 m3/min,治理效果较好。研究结果对华北型煤田坚硬顶板厚隔水层条件下煤层开采底板奥灰水害防治具有一定借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Roof of 4#coal seam in Jiulong Colliery ,Fengfeng Mining Area is hard wild-limestone of 3.5m thickness, and the floor is thick aquifuge combined with thin limestone and Ordovician limestone. Since 4# coal seam being mined, some water inrush accidents from floor Ordovician limestone have occurred. In order to analyze the mechanism of floor water inrush on condition of hard roof and thick aquiclude, a mechanical model of floor failure is established based on zero position failure theory to analyze the influence of roof pressure transfer on the failure depth of floor, and the mechanical criterion of confined water lifting is given based on fracture mechanics. In view of the fact that there is thick water resisting layer in the coal seam floor, and the traditional underground floor reinforcement and even regional treatment still can not completely eliminate the Ordovician limestone water inrush, the full cycle treatment technology of floor water disaster is proposed. To evaluate the treatment effect , three-dimensional detection of trinity combined with floor verification hole, working face water inflow and Ordovician limestone water level is utilized. The study has shown that firstly, the hanging roof area is large and the periodic pressure is strong, which leads to the increase of floor damage depth under the condition of hard roof. Combined with the effect of stepped lifting of water conducting, it is easy to occur delayed water bursting. Through the pre mining area treatment, the coal seam floor is comprehensively reinforced to eliminate the disaster inducement factors. During mining, the weak area of coal seam floor is mainly reinforced to achieve water reducing mining. After mining, the water retaining mining is realized by reinforcement. The full cycle treatment mode of Ordovician limestone water disaster is established. After the treatment, there is no hydraulic connection between the thin and Ordovician limestone. The Ordovician limestone water level and the water inflow of the working face floor change with the periodic pressure, but the change range is small. The water inflow of the working face is only 0.46 ~1.12 m3/min, and the treatment effect is well. The results have some significance for the prevention and control of Ordovician limestone water inrush on condition of hard roof and thick aquiclude in North China Coalfield.


