李文. 互联网+废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
引用本文: 李文. 互联网+废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
Li Wen. Research on internet plus comprehensive prevention and control technology of hidden disaster in abandoned coal mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).
Citation: Li Wen. Research on internet plus comprehensive prevention and control technology of hidden disaster in abandoned coal mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).


Research on internet plus comprehensive prevention and control technology of hidden disaster in abandoned coal mine

  • 摘要: 为了推进生态文明建设、提高废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治技术水平,基于互联网+废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治内涵与核心问题现状与进展分析,系统探讨了互联网+废弃煤矿隐蔽致灾因素勘查、隐蔽灾害监测预警、隐蔽灾害综合治理与利用技术的可行性。结果表明:互联网+废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治技术是移动互联网、大数据、云计算、物联网等与煤矿安全、地勘、机械电子、生态等行业的融合;废弃煤矿隐蔽致灾因素勘查大数据平台建设、监测预警平台建设(采空区失稳及塌陷监测、矿井地下水位和水质监测、温度及自燃监测、有毒有害气体监测、废弃煤矿区生态环境监测)、隐蔽灾害治理与综合利用(废弃煤矿生态恢复治理效果评价、废弃煤矿瓦斯储量预测及抽采效果评估、废弃煤矿地下空间综合分级利用)等技术的核心在于大数据平台建设和云计算技术,"互联网+"的引入将大幅提高废弃煤矿隐蔽灾害综合防治的技术水平和效果。


    Abstract: in order to promote the construction of the ecologic wlization and to inmprove the comprehensive preventio and contol techrodogy levelof the hidendisaster in the abandoned coal mine,based on the status and progrss analysis on thecomprehensive prevention and contrl contation and key problems of the hiden disaster in the internet plus abandoned coal mine.,the paper systematialy discussed the survey of the hfden disastercoccured factors,the monioring and early warning of the hidden disasterthe comprehensive control and utization technology feas tilty of the hiden disaser n the intenet plus abandoned coal mine.The resuits showed that the comprehensive prevention and control of the histen disaster in the internet plus abandoned cal mine would be the mobile inemnet. i data.coud computing.internet of tings and others integrated with the mine sarety geological sunvey .mechanical and electical and ecologic sectors.The constucion on the survey big data platform of the hidden disaster potential factors for the abandoned coal mine,the construcion on the monitoing andeary waning platiromt( the morntoring and measuring of the goaf stability lost and subsidence,monitoring and measuring of the underground mine water level and waer qualty monioring and mesuig of th temperature and spontaneous combustion,montoring and measuring of the toxic and hamfulgas and the monioring and measuingof the ecolog c enironment i the abandoned mine area)control and comprehensive utilization of the hidden d saster( evaluation on the ecologic restoration control of the abandoned mine redcion on gas ?serves of the abandoned mine and the evaluation on the gas drainag flct in the abandoned mine comprehensive grding and utilizaion of underground space in h2abandoned mine) and other technical core would be depended on the constructio of the big data platrom nd the coud computingfco nocgy and the nroducton of he " internet +" would highly improve the hidden disaster comprehensive prevention and control technology level and effect of the abandoned mine.


