徐乃忠, 邓增兵, 孙万明, 王燕涛, 韩科明. 平朔矿区380kV高压输电线下特厚煤层开采技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
引用本文: 徐乃忠, 邓增兵, 孙万明, 王燕涛, 韩科明. 平朔矿区380kV高压输电线下特厚煤层开采技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
Xu Naizhong Deng Zengbing Sun Wanming Wang Yantao Han Keming, . Mining technology of ultra thick seam under 380 k V high voltage line in Pingshuo Mining Area[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).
Citation: Xu Naizhong Deng Zengbing Sun Wanming Wang Yantao Han Keming, . Mining technology of ultra thick seam under 380 k V high voltage line in Pingshuo Mining Area[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).


Mining technology of ultra thick seam under 380 k V high voltage line in Pingshuo Mining Area

  • 摘要: 为实现在平朔井工一矿太西区4106等工作面380 k V高压线输电线下特厚煤层的安全开采,通过理论分析和现场实测相结合的方法,以线塔倾斜变形作为控制指标研究确定了工作面的开采方案,提出了抗地表动态变形的线塔维护方案,并获取了地表、塔基、塔体倾斜变形的实测数据。数据研究表明:线塔下小煤柱限厚开采方案(只采不放)将线塔地表的最终变形控制在允许范围内,线塔基础的改造方案减弱了地表动态变形对线塔的影响,实测的杆塔地表倾斜变形与前期预计结果相吻合,整体方案安全合理,解决了线塔安全运行和资源回收的矛盾;地表、塔基、塔体三者倾斜变形的发展有"同步不同量"的特点,在地下采动的影响下,地表变形将引起线塔基础及塔体同步变形,三者的倾斜变形量存在依次变小的关系。


    Abstract: in oder to realize a safety mining of No.4106 and other coal mining faces in a ulra thick seam of Ta ki Block of ingshuo No.1Underground Mine underthe high voliage line with the theoretical analysis and the ste measurement combined method a stuty with the nclined deformation of the high-voltage transmission line-tower as the control index set up the mining plan of the coal mining face and provided te line-ower maintenance pan to resist the surace ground dynanic defomatin.The site measured data of the suface ground.tower foundation and tower inclined defomation were obtained. The datastudly showed thatinthe thicknesslimied mining plan( only mining and no top coal caving) with smal oa pllar under the lin-tower the final deformaton of the surace ground at the line-tower would be controletwithin the allowed scope and the reconstouction plan of the line-tower foundation reduced the surace ground dynami deformation affected to the line-tower.The measured inclined defomation ofthe tower surace ground was ild to the early predictedresuts.The whole plan was safety and rational and solved the contradiction between the tower safety operation and the resoucesrecovery The development of the inelined deformation in the surace ground.tower foundatio and tower woult have "synchrony and different value features. Underthe infuence of the underground mining.the suface deformaion would calse a synchronous deformation ofthelne-ower foundation and the tower. The inclined deformation of the above would have relationship with sequence from high to lower.


