徐亚民. 易燃厚煤层煤炭自燃与瓦斯综合防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (8).
引用本文: 徐亚民. 易燃厚煤层煤炭自燃与瓦斯综合防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (8).
Comprehensive Prevent Technology of Gas and Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Inflammable Thick Seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (8).
Citation: Comprehensive Prevent Technology of Gas and Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Inflammable Thick Seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (8).


Comprehensive Prevent Technology of Gas and Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Inflammable Thick Seam

  • 摘要: 为有效治理易燃厚煤层综放工作面的煤炭自燃与瓦斯共生灾害,在对瓦斯异常区域形成原因进行分析的基础上,确定了交错钻场高位抽采、旁路式专用瓦斯抽采巷抽采和邻近采空区瓦斯抽采相结合的采空区瓦斯综合抽采技术,进而根据对瓦斯抽采条件下工作面自燃危险性的分析评估,先后采用了工作面后部采空区预防性注氮、抽注结合三相泡沫防灭火技术、堵漏风技术和自燃预测预报技术等防灭火技术措施,有效解决了付村煤矿3下209工作面回采期间的煤炭自燃与瓦斯共生灾害问题,确保了工作面的安全生产。


    Abstract: In order to control the concomitant disaster of gas and coal spontaneous combustion in fully mechanized caving face of inflammable thick seam effective ly, based on the analysis of forming reason of gas content uneven area, comprehensive gas drainage technology was put forward, which included high drainage of stag gered drilling field, special gas drainage roadway and gas drainage of adjacent goaf. According to the risk of spontaneous combustion of the working face under the con dition of gas drainage, measures including preventive nitrogen injection, three phase foam fire extinguishing technology, plugging-wind technology and forecast technol ogy of spontaneous combustion were adopted.The problems of gas and coal spontaneous combustion in No.3-209 working face of Fucun Coal Mine colliery during mini ng period were solved effectively and safe mining of the face was ensured.


