张立辉, 李伟, 范文胜. 补连塔煤矿隐蔽致灾因素定向钻孔探查及防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, (4).
引用本文: 张立辉, 李伟, 范文胜. 补连塔煤矿隐蔽致灾因素定向钻孔探查及防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, (4).
ZHANG Lihui, LI Wei, FAN Wensheng. Directional drilling exploration and control technology of hiddendisaster factors in Bulianta Coal Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, (4).
Citation: ZHANG Lihui, LI Wei, FAN Wensheng. Directional drilling exploration and control technology of hiddendisaster factors in Bulianta Coal Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, (4).


Directional drilling exploration and control technology of hiddendisaster factors in Bulianta Coal Mine

  • 摘要: 为预防煤矿开采过程中,各类隐蔽致灾因素探查和预防难度大而导致事故发生,将定向钻探技术应用于补连塔煤矿各类隐蔽致灾因素探查中,利用定向钻探技术探查上覆采空区积水及进行疏放水、工作面上覆含水层积水及进行疏放水、同煤层采空区积水及进行疏放水、探测空巷、探测断层、探测冲刷体、掘进巷道时探测煤厚变化等。实践结果表明:定向钻探技术可随钻随测、轨迹可控、一孔多分支、钻进距离长、精度高、功率大、效率高,各项探查数据准确,结果可靠,可为各类隐蔽致灾因素防治提供可靠的决策依据,为相似地质条件的煤矿隐蔽灾害治理与安全生产提供借鉴。


    Abstract: In order to prevent the occurrence of accidents which cause casualties or property damage due to the difficulty in exploring all kinds of hidden hazards factors in the process of coal mining, we applied the directional drilling technology to the exploration of various hidden hazards in Bulianta Coal Mine, using which the water in the overlying goaf, the aquifer overlying the working face and the goaf within the same coal seam as well as the related drainages can be explored drainage. At the same time, the gob, faults, erosion, and the variation of coal thickness can also explored. The applications show that directional drilling technology can achieve the measurement while drilling, trajectory control, multiple branches of one hole, long drilling distance, high precision, large power and high efficiency, and that various exploration data are accurate and reliable which can be used for decision making in the control of various hidden hazards factors, and can provide a reference on the control of the hidden hazards factors and safety production for the coal mine with similar geological conditions.


