张立辉, 刘孝军, 陈君, 范文胜. 互联网+补连塔煤矿现代化矿山建设[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
引用本文: 张立辉, 刘孝军, 陈君, 范文胜. 互联网+补连塔煤矿现代化矿山建设[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
Zhang Lihui Liu Xiaojun Chen Jun Fan Wensheng, . Construction on internet plus modernized mine in Bulianta Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).
Citation: Zhang Lihui Liu Xiaojun Chen Jun Fan Wensheng, . Construction on internet plus modernized mine in Bulianta Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).


Construction on internet plus modernized mine in Bulianta Mine

  • 摘要: 针对当前煤炭产量供大于求的严峻形势,为实现智能化、低成本、低能耗、安全可靠、高效率的生产,在传统矿井生产模式的基础上,以补连塔煤矿为例,介绍了PSI技术在煤矿智能化生产中的实践应用情况,并对PSI系统进行二次开发,扩展了带式输送机界面快速启动以及多条带式输送机、主排水泵集成界面"一键复位"等功能。PSI技术在补连塔煤矿实践应用结果表明:将PSI技术与煤矿生产、管理结合起来,实现了煤矿采、掘、机、运、通各生产环节集成在一个平台上,及时处置生产过程中的各类问题,提高了系统运行效率和可靠性,减少了设备空转时间,最大限度降低了能耗;依托智能化技术和信息系统,实时监测井下人员活动及分布情况、设备运行情况,提高了人员作业及设备运行的安全性。


    Abstract: According to the present serious stuation of the cal poduction igher than the demands in order to realize a low cost.low energy consumption.good safety and high etficient production.based on the conventional mine producion mode and the Bulianta Mine as a case the paper introduced the practical appication plan ofPSl techmnology in he mine podution A secondar develogment was conducted on the PSl system.The quick startup of the belt conveyor interace and " one-touch reset and oter function of the integrated interace for the muiti belt conveyors and major water drainage punmp were expanded.The practical appication resuls of the PStechnoicgy inBuliand Mine showed tht the PSl technology combined with the mine production and management could realize the mining excavation,machinery;rans:oration and veitlation and other each producton link to be integrated to a platform. which could fmely handle each problem ocured in the poducion pocess coud mprove the operation efic ency and relia ility of the system.could reducethe idle running time of the equipment and couid maximell reduce the enegy consumption.7depend on the intelligent technology and information system,the personel activtites and distrbuton contion aswell as th equioment operation con.tions n the underground mine could be timely montored and the safety of the personnel operation and the equipment operation could be improved.


