齐庆新, 李一哲, 赵善坤, 张宁博, 郑伟钰, 李海涛, 李宏艳. 我国煤矿冲击地压发展70年:理论与技术体系的建立与思考[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2019, (9).
引用本文: 齐庆新, 李一哲, 赵善坤, 张宁博, 郑伟钰, 李海涛, 李宏艳. 我国煤矿冲击地压发展70年:理论与技术体系的建立与思考[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2019, (9).
QI Qingxin, LI Yizhe, ZHAO Shankun, ZHANG Ningbo, ZHENG Weiyu, LI Haitao, LI Hongyan. Seventy years development of coal mine rockburst in China:establishmentand consideration of theory and technology system[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2019, (9).
Citation: QI Qingxin, LI Yizhe, ZHAO Shankun, ZHANG Ningbo, ZHENG Weiyu, LI Haitao, LI Hongyan. Seventy years development of coal mine rockburst in China:establishmentand consideration of theory and technology system[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2019, (9).


Seventy years development of coal mine rockburst in China:establishmentand consideration of theory and technology system

  • 摘要: 文章系统全面地阐述了我国建国70年来在冲击地压研究方面取得的成绩,主要从理论、监测与预警装备、防治技术及法律法规与标准构建等方面进行了重点介绍。同时,兼顾国外主要采矿国家在冲击地压研究上开展的工作。可以看到,随着我国煤矿开采深度的增加,冲击地压矿井数量和灾害危害程度显著增加,而国外冲击地压因煤矿开采的萎缩,只在个别一些国家偶尔发生冲击地压;对于冲击地压发生机理的研究,国外对此研究的工作主要是停留在20世纪50—90年代,而我国主要研究成果是近30年的事情,主要包括“三因素”机理、强度弱化减冲机理、应力控制理论、冲击启动理论和扰动响应失稳理论等;在冲击地压监测预警方面,国外主要集中在微震与地音监测方面,并配合钻屑法,而我国在此基础上,提出了采动应力监测方法,并开发了相关技术装备,现已广泛应用于实际煤矿冲击地压监测与预警;在冲击地压防治方面,以往重点关注在煤层和顶板冲击危险性的消除和解危上,而最近10年来,在巷道支护及煤岩体结构控制的研究与工程实践方面开展了有益的探索,旨在加强局部巷道支护的同时,从区域上控制煤岩体结构稳定性和应力分布,开发分级分类的冲击地压巷道支护技术,采用水力压裂与深孔爆破等技术实现了对坚硬顶板岩层的有效控制;在冲击地压相关法律法规与标准体系建设方面,最近10年来,我国开展了较为系统的制订工作,包括《防治煤矿冲击地压细则》在内的规程及相关标准已制订并实施,现已初步建成冲击地压标准体系。改革开放40年来,我国煤矿冲击地压矿井数量不断增加,研究冲击地压的人数不断增加,冲击地压发生机理不断完善,冲击地压监测技术及仪器与装备从无到有,性能不断提升,冲击地压防治技术与方法不断完善,有效性不断提高,冲击地压有关法律法规从无到有,现已趋于完善。综合而言,我国煤矿冲击地压理论与技术体系已初步形成。应该看到,随着大数据、智能化与机器人时代的到来,在新的科学技术的推动下,冲击地压理论与技术将获得更大的发展。


    Abstract: he paper systematically introduces achievements of rock burst in the past 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It mainly focuses on the theory, monitoring, early warning equipment, prevention, control technology, construction of laws, regulations, and the standards. At the same time, this paper takes into account the work carried out by major foreign mining countries on the study of rock burst. It can be summarized that with the increase of the coal mining depth in China, the number of mines with rock burst and the degree of disaster damage have increased significantly. By contrast, due to the shrinking of coal mining in foreign countries, the rock bursts happen occasionally there. The study of the mechanism of rock burst abroad mainly happened in the 1950s and 1990s, while the major research achievements have been achieved over the past 30 years in China, including the "three factors" mechanism, the weakening mechanism of intensity reduction, stress control theory, start-up theory and disturbance response instability theory. In the aspect of monitoring and early warning of rock burst, foreign countries mainly focus on micro seismic and acoustic emission monitoring, together with the cutting method. On the basis of this, China has proposed mining stress monitoring methods and developed technical device which have been widely used in actual coal mine rock burst monitoring and early warning. In the prevention and control of rock burst, the focus was once put on the elimination and removal of the rock burst hazard of coal seam and roof, while in the past 10 years, useful explorations in the research and engineering practice in roadway support and coal and rock structure control have been carried out. It aims to strengthen the roadway support, control the structural stability and stress distribution of coal and rock mass geographically, develope the rock burst roadway support classification technology and use the hydraulic fracturing and deep hole blasting technology to control the hard roof rock strata. In terms of the construction of laws, regulations and standards related to rock burst, China has carried out a relatively systematic formulation work in the past 10 years. Regulations and related standards including "Detailed Rules for the Prevention and Control of Rock burst in Coal Mines" have been formulated and implemented, and a standard system for rock burst has been preliminarily established. 40 years of reform and opening up has witnessed the 40 years of research on rock burst in China. Over the past 40 years, the number of mines with rock burst in China has been increasing, the number of people studying rock burst has been increasing, the mechanism of rock burst has been improving, the monitoring technology and equipment of rock burst have developed from scratch, and their performance is continuously enhancing. Moreover, the prevention technology and method of rock burst is being perfected, and their effectiveness has been improving. The relevant laws and regulation of rock burst have been improving from scratch and now they are getting more complete. Generally, the theory and technology system of rock burst in coal mines in China have been basically formed. It should be noted that with the arrival of the era of big data, intelligence and robot, the theory and technology of rock burst will experience a greater development under the promotion of new science and technology.


