武越超, 韦志远, 谭英明, 牛钦环. 空巷影响下回采巷道围岩稳定性及支护设计研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (5).
引用本文: 武越超, 韦志远, 谭英明, 牛钦环. 空巷影响下回采巷道围岩稳定性及支护设计研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (5).
wu Yuechao Wei Zhiyuan Tan Yingming Niu Qinhuan, . Study on surrounding rock stability and support design of mining gateway under influences of abandoned roadways[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (5).
Citation: wu Yuechao Wei Zhiyuan Tan Yingming Niu Qinhuan, . Study on surrounding rock stability and support design of mining gateway under influences of abandoned roadways[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (5).


Study on surrounding rock stability and support design of mining gateway under influences of abandoned roadways

  • 摘要: 为研究因小煤矿开采形成的空巷对于工作面回采巷道稳定性的影响,并选取合理的支护方式及参数,采用FLAC3D软件对工作面不断推进时不同支护条件下,对受空巷影响的工作面运输平巷围岩稳定性进行了数值分析,且对优化支护后的巷道顶板围岩结构实施钻孔窥视。结果表明:空巷影响下工作面应力重分布使空巷煤柱边缘应力集中,造成附近运输平巷垂直应力骤增且塑性区范围扩大;合理支护方式可使巷道围岩塑性区范围及围岩变形得到明显改善,当空巷进入工作面超前应力影响范围内,巷道顶底板变形量急剧增加;在优化支护方案作用下空巷附近运输平巷顶板岩层裂隙发育少、完整性较好。


    Abstract: in order to study abandoned roadways formed by the mining in the former smal mines affected to the stebiliy of the mining gateway in the coal mining face,and selec ratonal suport method and paraneters FLAC-~(3D) sofiware was applied to the numercal analysis on the surounding rock steailiy of th transporatongateway in acoal mining face affected by the abandoned roatways under different suppor conditions when the cal mining was continuously pushed forvard.A panor?mic borehole peeing suney was conducted on the roof and surounding rock of the gatewa afer the optimized support.The resultshowed that under the infiuencesof the abandoned roadways,the redstribution ofthe stressesin the coal mining face would cause the stress concentration at the bovderline ofthe coa illar along the abandoned roadway and would cause the vertial tresses rapidly increased in the nearby mine transportation roadway and the plasic zone scope expanded.Underthe uncfion of suppor.,the plastic zone scope of the suounding rock and the surounding rock deformation co dion in the mine roadway could be obviously improved.When the abandoned roadway was in the advancestress infuence seope of the coal mining fac ,the roo and for defomation values of the gateway woud be serously increased.Under the function of the optimzed suppor lan.the transportaton roatw ay near the abandcned roadiway would have less developed cracking and well ntegation of the roof strata.


