司磊磊, 巨广刚, 王冕, 周银波. 大倾角煤层回采工作面终采线固浆防火技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (3).
引用本文: 司磊磊, 巨广刚, 王冕, 周银波. 大倾角煤层回采工作面终采线固浆防火技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (3).
Si Leilei Ju Guanggang Wang Mian Zhou Yinbo, . Study on fire prevention technology with grout consolidation at mining terminal line of coal mining face in steep inclined seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (3).
Citation: Si Leilei Ju Guanggang Wang Mian Zhou Yinbo, . Study on fire prevention technology with grout consolidation at mining terminal line of coal mining face in steep inclined seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (3).


Study on fire prevention technology with grout consolidation at mining terminal line of coal mining face in steep inclined seam

  • 摘要: 为了解决大倾角煤层在注浆防火时浆液的线性流动现象,在实验室测试了不同质量浓度的黄泥浆流变特性,在水土质量比为4∶1的黄泥浆加入不同质量分数的固浆材料,测试了固浆材料的保水率、混合溶液的流变特性和沉降速率,进行了注浆模拟试验,并在桃园煤矿Ⅱ1024工作面和Ⅱ1025工作面终采线进行注浆防火工业性试验。结果表明,普通黄泥浆溶液类似于牛顿流体,而加入固浆材料后黄泥浆的黏性增大,当固浆材料质量分数达到0.8%时混合溶液已变成带有屈服值的假塑性流体,通过综合保水率及沉降速率分析得到固浆材料的质量分数为0.2%~0.8%时固浆效果最为良好,并且计算出了适用于现场试验的固浆材料间隔距离为15 m。


    Abstract: in order to solve the linear fovw phenomenon of the grout occurred in the grouting and fire prevention period of the steep inclined seanm,the mheology features of he loess grout with different cuality and density were tested in the lab. The loess grout with a water and loess quantity ratof 4 ∶ 1 was added with diferent density grout consolidation materal. The water retention rate of the grout consoli ation material as vl as the theocgy features and the setlement rate of the mixture sclution were tested. A grouting sintulaton experiment vas conducted and a grouting fre preventio industialtest was conducted on the mining teminal line of No.工1024 and Nc.Ⅱ1025 coal mining face in Taoyuan Mine The resuts showed tat the scluton of the conventional loess grout was sinia to Newtonian fuid . Nthen the gr:ut consoldation material was added,the viscosity of the loess grout would be increased. When the qcuanit fracion of the grout consolidation materal eached 0.8%.themixture soludion woud become a pseudo plasic fuid with a yielcing value. The analysis on the comprehensive water retention rate and the settementrate showed thatwhen the quantityfraction of the grout consolidation materal was 0.2%~4.8%.the grout cosolidsaton materal efect would be bestiThe inteval of the materal one sutable for the site test was 15 m.


