李伟, 杨胜强, 鹿存荣. 元堡煤矿1901工作面初采期防灭火技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2012, (1).
引用本文: 李伟, 杨胜强, 鹿存荣. 元堡煤矿1901工作面初采期防灭火技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2012, (1).
Fire Prevention and Control Technology for Initial Mining Period of No.1901 Coal Mining Face in Yuanbao Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012, (1).
Citation: Fire Prevention and Control Technology for Initial Mining Period of No.1901 Coal Mining Face in Yuanbao Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012, (1).


Fire Prevention and Control Technology for Initial Mining Period of No.1901 Coal Mining Face in Yuanbao Mine

  • 摘要: 针对元堡煤矿1901工作面从开切眼形成到工作面开始推进经历时间过长、工作面推进速度较慢、风量过大,采空区出现CO浓度异常的现象,采取了调节风量、工作面采空区上下隅角附近建立密闭墙、喷洒阻化剂、采空区注氮等4种防灭火措施。从措施实施后的效果可以看出前3种措施仅在一定程度上缓解采空区CO浓度异常现象,而采空区注氮则可以消除采空区自燃危险。通过对注氮后采空区主要气体浓度变化趋势的分析可以看出,O2体积分数从10%降至6%阶段是注氮效果最好的阶段,可以据此开展防灭火工作,以避免因工作面推进速度较慢造成的自燃危险。


    Abstract: According to the over long period from the open-off cut formation to the coal mining face started to push forward, the slow pushing forward of the coal mi ning face, over high ventilation quantity and the CO density abnormal phenomenon occurred in the goaf of No.1901 Coal Mining Face in Yuanbao Mine, there were four fire prevention and control measures conducted including the ventilation quantity adjustment, the sealing wall established near the top and low corners in the goaf of th e coal mining face, the spraying with the retarder and the nitrogen injection in the goaf.The effect after the measures conducted showed that the first three measures co uld only release CO abnormal phenomenon in the goaf in certain degree, but the nitrogen injection in the goaf could eliminate the spontaneous combustion danger in th e goaf.With the nitrogen injection in the goaf, the analysis on the variation tendency of main gas density showed that the 02 volume fraction reduced from 10% to 6% w ould be the best stage of the nitrogen injection effect. Based on the circumstances, the fire prevention and control conducted could eliminate the spontaneous combustio n danger caused by the slow pushing forward of the coal mining face.


