李浩荡, 张彬. 浅埋深综采工作面过集中煤柱压架机理分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
引用本文: 李浩荡, 张彬. 浅埋深综采工作面过集中煤柱压架机理分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
Li Haodang Zhang Bin, . Analysis on powered support jammed mechanism of fully-mechanized coal mining face in shallow depth mine pass through over concentrated coal pillar[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).
Citation: Li Haodang Zhang Bin, . Analysis on powered support jammed mechanism of fully-mechanized coal mining face in shallow depth mine pass through over concentrated coal pillar[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).


Analysis on powered support jammed mechanism of fully-mechanized coal mining face in shallow depth mine pass through over concentrated coal pillar

  • 摘要: 针对我国西部矿区浅埋深近距离煤层过房柱采空区集中煤柱时压架事故频发的问题,以神东矿区石圪台煤矿综采工作面为对象,采用理论分析和数值模拟的方法分析了压架机理。结果表明:受集中煤柱支撑的上覆顶板较为完整,综采工作面进入集中煤柱前和在集中煤柱下,综采工作面顶板压力基本正常,对支架影响不大;当综采工作面推过集中煤柱一段距离后,集中煤柱进入采空区,其状态由弹塑性状态变为完全塑性状态,随下方岩层下沉,发生失稳破坏,并导致其上方顶板岩层的大面积破坏下沉;基本顶无法形成稳定的"铰接岩梁"结构,发生瞬时断裂失稳,形成远大于支架工作阻力的超大动载矿压,将下方综采工作面80%的支架压死。因此,上方悬而未冒的基本顶的失稳切冒且无法形成稳定结构成为大面积、瞬间压架的根本原因。


    Abstract: According to the powered support jamned accident frequently occurred when the concentrated coa ilas were inthe goaof the room and pllar miningin the shall w depth and close distance seam in China western mining area, based on the fully mechanized coal mining face in Shigeal Mine of Shendong Mlining Area as the object.the theoreical analysi and the numeical sinulaton method were applied to analyze the powered suppor jammed mechanisom.The resuts showed that wih the suppor of the concenrated oom an illar mining type coal ilas the top seam roof were completed.Before the ruly-mechanized coal minin face was under the areaof the top seam concentrated coa illars and when the coal mining face was under the areaof the top seam concenrated coa oilla area.the rof pressuecf te fally-mechanized coal mining face was normal asically and was less affcted to the powered suppots. Nhen thefrlly-mechanized cal fce was pushed foward andpassed through certain ditance under the concentrated illa area,the goaf of the rll-mechanized mining face was under the concentrated coal ilar area and therof staus would be changed from the elastc -lastic status to the ful astic statu . with the subsidence of the under burden rock.the rock insteailily nd falre were occurred and the large area fallure and subsidence of the top roo strata were ocured. The basic roof could not fom a stable ariculted rock beanm'structure. when the basicro was broken and intability ransiently occured ,a super dynamic mine prssurefar higher than the working res itance of the powered suppot was fomed and jammed the 80 % of the powered supporis aplid in the ully mechanized coal mining face. Therefore,the top suspended and yet notalen basc roof withthe instaility and roof cutting could not form a stable structure and would be the root causes of the large area powered supports jammed 'transiently.


