In order to solve the technical problems of the slow driving rate, difficult support of the gateway, coal spontaneous combustion, gas content over limit an d others occurred in the gob- side entry driving in the soft, broken, easy spontaneous combustion and outburst danger thick seam, after the analysis and calculation con ducted on the coal pillar width, gob- side entry driving with 4 m wide coal pillar was practiced in No. P41102 air returning gateway of Wangjiazhai Mine. Meanwhile with the combined support technology of the U steel type square support as well as the steel mesh, shotcreting, bolt (anchor) and grouting, the max month driving rate of the gateway was 136 m, the gas emission quantity was reduced to 1. 08 m3/ min and the gas volume fraction of the air returning flow was 0.36% ~ 0. 42%. The coal spont aneous combustion was effectively eliminated and compared with the coal pillar left with width of 20 m, there was more than 70 000 t of coal mined.