陈苏社, 鞠金峰. 大柳塔煤矿矿井水资源化利用技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
引用本文: 陈苏社, 鞠金峰. 大柳塔煤矿矿井水资源化利用技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
Uilization Technology of Mine Water Resources in Daliuta Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).
Citation: Uilization Technology of Mine Water Resources in Daliuta Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).


Uilization Technology of Mine Water Resources in Daliuta Mine

  • 摘要: 神东矿区大柳塔煤矿以采空区矸石作为过滤、净化污水的载体,将井下排水直接注入采空区进行净化处理后供井下工作面生产及地面的生产、生活使用。此矿井水综合循环利用保水开采技术创造了神东矿区首个邻近煤层钻孔自流供水系统以及采空区自流泄放排水系统,实现了供、排水的自流化。通过制定专项的水质保证措施,采空区净化后的水质指标均达到了GB 50383—2006《煤矿井下消防、洒水设计规范》以及GB/T 18920—2002《城市污水再生利用,城市杂用水水质》的规定。同时,通过加固密闭墙、采空区水位观测以及安设泄水管路等一系列防突水安全措施,排除了井下采空区内大量积水造成的安全隐患。大柳塔煤矿矿井水资源化利用技术的开发与应用符合绿色开采的要求,经济效益和环境效益显著。


    Abstract: The coal rejects in the goaf of Daliuta Mine, Shendong Mining Area were taken as the carrier of the mine water filtration and the polluted water purificatio n.The underground mine water could be directly pumped into the goaf for the purification.Then purified water could be applied to the coal production of the coal mining f ace in the underground mine, the production at the surface ground and the daily life utilization.An unique mine water comprehensive recycling utilization and water cons ervation mining technology was developed.A first gravity flow water supply system with a borehole a close distance to a seam in Shendong Mining Area and a goaf gravi ty flow and water drainage system was created.Thus the automation of the water supply and water drainage was realized.With the special water quality protection meas ures set up, the water quality index after the purification of the goaf could be all reached to the regulations GB 50383- -2006 The Code of Fire Extinguishing and Water Spraying in Underground Mine and GB/T 18920- 2002 The Urban Waste Water Regeneration and Uilization, Urban Miscellaneous Application Water Quality.With the re inforced sealing walls, the observation and measurement of the water level in the goaf, water discharging pipeline installation and a series of water inrush prevention sa fety measures, the hidden dangers caused by the large quantity ponding in the goaf of the mine could be eliminated.The development and utilization of the mine water r esource uilization technology in Daliuta Mine could meet the requirements of the green mining and would have obvious economic and environment benefits.


