王继勇, 于维雨, 王秋敏, 刘姗姗, 王萍. 液压液喷射燃烧试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2012, (3).
引用本文: 王继勇, 于维雨, 王秋敏, 刘姗姗, 王萍. 液压液喷射燃烧试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2012, (3).
Research on Jet Combustion Test of Hydraulic Liquid[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012, (3).
Citation: Research on Jet Combustion Test of Hydraulic Liquid[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012, (3).


Research on Jet Combustion Test of Hydraulic Liquid

  • 摘要: 在研制的喷射燃烧试验设备基础上,考察了喷射压力、喷嘴直径、液压液温度和喷嘴距点火源距离等因素对液压液喷射燃烧性能的影响。结果表明:在形成稳定喷射流的情况下,液压液的喷射燃烧性能在不同喷射压力以及喷嘴直径下变化不大,而且不同类型液压液喷射燃烧难燃性能区别明显;液压液随着自身温度的升高,喷射流火焰撤火后持续燃烧时间相应延长;随着喷嘴到点火源距离的增加,喷射流火焰撤火后持续燃烧时间缩短;不同类型液压液的喷射燃烧难燃性优劣顺序依次为水-乙二醇、无水全合成液压液和抗磨液压油。


    Abstract: Based on the jet combustion test equipment researched and developed, the jet pressure, nozzle diameter, hydraulic liquid temperature, distance from th e nozzle to ignition source and other factors affected to the jet combustion performances of the hydraulic liquid was investigated.The results showed that under the con dition of the stabilized jet flow formed, the jet combustion performances of the hydraulic liquid would not have a big variation under the different jet pressure and the diff erent nozzle diameter and the jet combustion performances would be different evidently with the different hydraulic liquid.With temperature of the hydraulic liquid increa sed, the sustained combustion time of the hydraulic liquid would be relatively prolonged after the jet flame removed.With the distance from the nozzle to the ignition sou rce increased, the sustained combustion time of the hydraulic liquid would be relatively reduced after the jet flame removed.The combustion resistance of the jet combu stion with different hydraulic liquid would be the water-glycol liquid, the water-free synthetic hydraulic liquid and the abrasion hydraulic oil in sequence.


