朱金勇, 侯淑鹏, 陈礼仪, 王胜, 邹杰, 宋佳奇. 煤层气钻探低密度钻井液物/化协同降滤失研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
引用本文: 朱金勇, 侯淑鹏, 陈礼仪, 王胜, 邹杰, 宋佳奇. 煤层气钻探低密度钻井液物/化协同降滤失研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (9).
Zhu Jinyong Hou Shupeng Chen Liyi Wang Sheng Zou Jie Song Jiaqi, . Study on physical and chemical coordinative depressing filter loss of low density drilling fluid for coalbed methane drilling exploration[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).
Citation: Zhu Jinyong Hou Shupeng Chen Liyi Wang Sheng Zou Jie Song Jiaqi, . Study on physical and chemical coordinative depressing filter loss of low density drilling fluid for coalbed methane drilling exploration[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (9).


Study on physical and chemical coordinative depressing filter loss of low density drilling fluid for coalbed methane drilling exploration

  • 摘要: 针对低压力系数孔隙裂隙煤岩储气层钻进过程中的储层损害及孔壁不稳定问题,采用微观分析和试验研究相结合的方法,开展了拥有物/化协同降滤失性能的钻井液体系的研制。分别对由超细惰性材料、化学添加剂配制的钻井液进行API失水试验,并采用扫描电镜分析手段对所形成的泥皮进行微观形貌分析。通过正交试验研制出拥有物/化协同降滤失性能的钻井液优化配方,采用扫描电镜分析手段对其泥皮进行微观形貌分析及性能评价。通过API试验、扫描电镜分析得到了空心玻璃微珠颗粒在泥皮中搭桥形成微米级孔隙发育的空间结构,使基浆滤失量增加;纳米二氧化硅在泥皮中形成的空间结构松散,孔隙率大,导致滤失量随纳米二氧化硅剂量的增加由24 m L迅速增加至50m L。而降滤失剂泥皮光滑致密,能使基浆滤失量由24 m L降低至10 m L左右。最终通过正交试验优化了含超细惰性材料的钻井液配方。研究结果对于揭示超细惰性材料与黏土矿物及降滤失剂的相互作用机理以及低压力系数孔隙裂隙煤岩储气层的快速钻进具有重要意义。


    Abstract: According to the problem of the reservir falure and the borehole wall instability occured in thea rling proc.ess of the pore and crack coal and rock gasreservoir with loaw ressure c.ricient a micro-analysis and the experiment studlycomined method was appied to conduct the research and development on the drlng fuid system with the physical and chemical coodinative depressin fiterloss perormances.An APl water ossfest was conducted on thea iling fuid prepared with he ulr-ine iner materials and chemicaladditives and the means of the scanning electron microscopy analysis were appied to the mophology analysis on the mud cakes formed. Thec ling fuid optinized formulaon with the physical and chemical coordinative depressing fiterloss peromances was researched and developed withorhogonal experiment.The means of the sca ming electron microscopy analysi were applied to the mophology analysis and the perfomance evaluation on the mud cakes. APl experiment and scanning electron microscopy analysi revealed that hollow glass micosphere inreased th fiterloss of basec mud due to is paticsles fomina space structure with developed micron pores by bridging in the mud cake.Th flfr loss rapilyinreased fom 24 m L to 50 m L with the increasing of an -lia doses.due to nan silia forming a oose spatial structure which had the big porosty, Htowever.th fitfr loss o firate reducers decreased fom 24 m L to 10 m L by forminga smoth and compact mud cake. Finaly.the illin fuid formulation withufrafine iner material was optimized by orthogondlfest. The studly achievements would haveimportant sigrificances to reveal the interaction mechanism between the ultra fine iner material and the clay mineral and the fitate reducer and to the rapid arllin of the coal and rock reservoir with low pressure coefficient pore and cracks.


