马东民, 张辉, 王贵荣, 杨建强, 白怀东, 索根喜, 徐建民. 胡家河井田煤层气等压吸附/解吸特征研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (4).
引用本文: 马东民, 张辉, 王贵荣, 杨建强, 白怀东, 索根喜, 徐建民. 胡家河井田煤层气等压吸附/解吸特征研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (4).
Ma Dongmin Zhang Hui Wang Guirong Yang Jianqiang Bai Huaidong Suo Genxi Xu Jianmin, . Study on isobaric adsorption/desorption features of coalbed methane in Hujiahe Coal Field[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (4).
Citation: Ma Dongmin Zhang Hui Wang Guirong Yang Jianqiang Bai Huaidong Suo Genxi Xu Jianmin, . Study on isobaric adsorption/desorption features of coalbed methane in Hujiahe Coal Field[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (4).


Study on isobaric adsorption/desorption features of coalbed methane in Hujiahe Coal Field

  • 摘要: 为了促进彬长矿区胡家河井田低煤阶煤层气开发实践,核定采收率,对4号煤层进行了样品采集、加工,完成了不同温度煤层气吸附/解吸试验,利用吸附/解吸结果绘制吸附等压线。结果表明:吸附量随着温度的升高而减小,低压阶段解吸滞后明显,高压阶段解吸过程与吸附过程可逆;CH4吸附量与温度的关系可用二次函数表征,当温度大于临界温度(-82.6℃)时,最大吸附量沿抛物线分布;温度低于临界温度时,最大吸附量沿直线分布;最后得出CH4吸附量的计算方法,解决了采收率核定时低阶煤含气量测试数据不准的问题。


    Abstract: in order to pronote the practices on the low ranking called methane in HAujiahe Mlinefied of Binchang Mining Area and to approve the mining recovery rate,the colection and procssing of the coal samples from the target sean-No.4 seam were conduced,the adsorption / desopion experiments with dfferent temperature coal bed methane werecompleted and the adscrption /desorption result were applied to draw the adsoption sobar.The resultshowed that the absorption volume vas reduced with the temperature inreased.At the low pressure stage.the desopion hysteresis was obvious and at the high pressure stage,the desorption processand the absoption process could be reversible, The relationshi between the CH4 absorption volume and temperature could be expressed with a quadratic function and when the temperature was higher tan the critit且l temperature(-82.5 C℃).the max absopion volume woud be distributed along a parabola. When the temperature waslower than the critial temperature,the max absorption volune would be ditributed along a straght lne.Fnally the calcu ation metod obtined ofthe CH4 absoption volume could solve the inaccurate problem of the gas content measured data of the low ranking cal when the mining recovery rate was determined.


