

Prevention Measures and Types of Mine Strata Pressure Bump Occurred in Shallow Depth Seam

  • 摘要: 针对神新矿区浅埋煤层开采过程中频繁发生的冲击地压事故,开采活动使围岩产生的应变能增量诱发冲击地压的现象,建立了冲击地压能量方程,并给出了应变能增量的3种形式:静载型、动载型、叠加或混合型。结合现场分析认为目前神新矿区存在4种类型的冲击地压:工作面坚硬顶板垮落型、巷道应力叠加型、45°急倾斜煤层顶板悬顶型、87°近直立煤层岩柱撬动型,并分析了每种类型冲击地压的能量来源形式和主要致灾因素。在此基础上,从开采布置、监测方法、危险评价、解危方法及效果检验等方面提出了相应的冲击地压防治对策。


    Abstract: According to the mine strata pressure bump accidents frequently occurred in shallow depth seam mining of Shenxin Mining Area, the mining activities co uld make the strain energy increment in the surrounding rock to induce the mine strata pressure bump occurred. An energy equation of the mine strata pressure bump was established. There were three types of the strain energy increment including the static load type, dynamic load type and superposition or mixing type. The site anal ysis held that there were four types of the mine strata pressure bump existed in Shenxin Mining Area, including the coal mining face with the suspended type hard roof, the strain superposition type gateway, 45° steep inclined seam with falling type roof and 87° almost vertical seam with lever type rock pillar. The paper analyzed the ene rgy resources mode and the major disaster occurred factors of each type mine strata pressure bump. Based on the circumstances, from the mining layout, monitoring a nd measuring method, danger evaluation, damage releasing method, effect inspection and others, the paper provided relevant countermeasures to prevent and control t he mine strata pressure bump.


