In order to ascertain the coal- bearing sedimentary environment in Liupanshui Mining Area of Guizhou and to master the coal accumulation law, a study was conducted on the rock core from the No.5202 borehole Liupanshui Mining Area of Guizhou in the Upper Permian strata. Based on the sedimentology, paleontology, stratigraphy and other related theory as the guidance, with the rock coring investigation, thin slice analysis, logging and other methods, the rock features, sedimentary s tructure features, paleontology features, geochemical features, logging curve features of the stratum section were studied. The sedimentary environment of the Upper P ermian coal measures in the area was verified as a set of delta- tidal flat and lagoon- tidal flat sedimentary system. There were four types of sedimentary subfacies of t he section verified, including a delta plain facies, a delta- front subfacies, tidal flat subfacies and lagoon subfacies. There were 12 sedimentary microfacies verified. The features were summarized and coal measures sedimentary facies mode of the mining area was established.