Smoke and Dust Control During Coke Discharging from Coking Oven
摘要: 为治理焦炉出焦过程中的冒烟现象,分析了太原煤气公司焦化厂焦炉出焦过程中的烟尘来源,通过对比3种治理烟尘的方案,提出采用在拦焦车上增加二次除尘系统的方法解决烟尘问题。实施结果表明,采用此措施后使出焦过程中散发的烟尘量得到了有效治理。Abstract: In order to control the smoke phenomenon during the coke discharging from the coking oven, the smoke and dust sources during the coke discharging fr om the coking oven in the Coking Plant of Taiyuan Town Gas Company were analyzed.In the comparison with three smoke and dust control alternatives, the second dus t control system added on the coke receiving car was proposed to solve the smoke and dust problem.The applied results showed that the smoke and dust during the Co ke discharging was effectively controlled after the second dust control system measure applied.