汪开旺. 高压空气爆破技术装备研发及应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (12).
引用本文: 汪开旺. 高压空气爆破技术装备研发及应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (12).
Wang Kaiwang. Research and development and application of high pressure air blasting technology and equipment[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (12).
Citation: Wang Kaiwang. Research and development and application of high pressure air blasting technology and equipment[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (12).


Research and development and application of high pressure air blasting technology and equipment

  • 摘要: 为解决低透气性煤层瓦斯抽采率低的问题,提出了高压空气爆破煤体增透新技术,利用高压空气突然释放形成的爆破冲击波冲击煤体,使原始煤体产生裂隙和拓展原有裂隙形成裂隙网络,从而有效地增加煤层透气性;同时研发了高压空气爆破成套装备,并阐述了高压空气爆破煤体增透工艺。在丁集煤矿井下试验结果表明:高压空气爆破后钻孔瓦斯涌出自然衰减系数降低了94%,多孔瓦斯抽采纯量提高了1.41倍,煤层透气性系数增加50倍以上,高压空气爆破能够增加煤层透气性,大幅增加煤层瓦斯的涌出量与抽采量,改善煤层瓦斯抽采效果。


    Abstract: in order to solve the low gas diaimage rteof th low perm abilit sam a new techrology to mprove the peme pbilit wit igh pressureaiblasing in the seam was povded. The blasting wave fomed wit the high pressure ai suden reased was appled to blatheseam,tus the insit s amwoud hav tecacks c.ured andth ailatbe racks orldotbedelopedto be acrck metworkTherefoet the seam pemeatilt wa efctvely improved .The ig ressure an sting compeed equipment os reseached and develped the apr saedthe s am prmeabiliy improved fehioue withthe igh pressureair lasting The underground mine Sperimentresuls of Digi fne showedtht ater tht igh pessre ainblasing condutedthe aura atnuLation coeicint ofthe borehole gas emission was reduced by A4%,the pure voume of thegas dranmage rom muti oreholes as impoved by1,1times and the sean peAmeatilt cefrvientwas inreased over fimes.The high pressureair asting coud improve the sam pemeatltycoubd hghy nvese the se am ga emss on olumeandga edran age vouome andcoudinpove te gas drainage effect.


