王振荣. 厚松散含水层煤层开采突水溃沙防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (8).
引用本文: 王振荣. 厚松散含水层煤层开采突水溃沙防治技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (8).
Wang Zhenrong. Water inrush and sand inrush prevention and control technology for coal mining in seam with thick and loose aquifer[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (8).
Citation: Wang Zhenrong. Water inrush and sand inrush prevention and control technology for coal mining in seam with thick and loose aquifer[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (8).


Water inrush and sand inrush prevention and control technology for coal mining in seam with thick and loose aquifer

  • 摘要: 为了有效解决神东矿区薄基岩厚松散含水层煤层开采突水溃沙难题,以哈拉沟煤矿22206工作面为例,分析工作面开采所面临的水害情况,针对地面施工注浆工程存在受地表条件限制大、施工干扰多、工程费用高及对地表生态环境破坏的实际问题,提出了井下疏放水与注浆加固相结合的治理方法,并在此基础上形成了"疏注结合、先疏后注、边治边探、先治后采"的突水溃沙防治技术路线,在哈拉沟煤矿应用结果表明:井下疏水注浆技术实施之后工作面少数支架间有淋水滴沙现象,采空区涌水中携带有少量泥沙,对工作面正常回采无影响,其余地段均未出现流沙现象,该技术达到了最优的治理效果。


    Abstract: in order to fiectvely solve the water inrush and sand nrush ifficuties of the coal mining in the seam with a thin base rock and thick loose acquifr in Shendong wlining Area.based on No.22206 coal mining face in Htalagou Mline as a case.,the paper analyzed the waer disaster condition faced to the mining operation of he coal mining face.According to the grouting engineering operated at the surface ground with a high litboy the surace ground condtions,many constucion interfernces high engineering cost as well as the surtace ground ecologic envronment failre actual problems.the paper provided a control method conmbined withthe water dainage in the underground mine and the grouting reinforcement.Based on the cicumstancs a water inrush and sand inush prevention and control schial route wit" drainage and grouting combination frstly drainage and secondary grouting control and exploraton,frity control and secondary mining" was formed.The aplication rsults of Halagou Mine showed that afer the water drainage and grouting echnology implemenmed,there would araining and sand leakage phenomenon ocrred between the some powered supports. There was some sediment in the water inrush zone of the goaf nd the sediment would not beafiected to the normal mining operation of the cal mining face. There was no sand inrush phenomenon occurred in other secton areas and the technology had reached the best control efc.


