张建国. 中国平煤神马集团瓦斯防治体系建设[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2017, (8).
引用本文: 张建国. 中国平煤神马集团瓦斯防治体系建设[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2017, (8).
Zhang Jianguo. Construction of gas prevention and control system in China Pingmei Shenma Group[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017, (8).
Citation: Zhang Jianguo. Construction of gas prevention and control system in China Pingmei Shenma Group[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017, (8).


Construction of gas prevention and control system in China Pingmei Shenma Group

  • 摘要: 为了科学有效地治理中国平煤神马集团的深部矿井瓦斯,确保矿井可持续发展,在回顾、总结、分析瓦斯防治工作历程的基础上,开展了瓦斯防治体系建设的探索,不断提升瓦斯防治理念,按照“一矿一策、一面一策”和瓦斯分级治理的原则规划了瓦斯防治技术路线,制定了人-财-物保障措施,细化了现场超前管理方法,攻克了大采长工作面“一面多巷”、极薄煤层(近全岩)保护层开采、高压水力冲孔等瓦斯防治关键技术,初步形成了具有集团特色的瓦斯防治体系,为集团矿井的安全高效生产奠定了坚实基础,通过该体系的建设,集团煤矿瓦斯事故起数大幅下降,由“十一五”时期的15起,降至“十二五”时期的2起。


    Abstract: In order to scientifically and effectively control the gas in the deep mine of China Pingmei Shenma Group and to ensure the sustainable development of t he mine, based on the review, summarization and analysis on the gas prevention and control course, a discovery was conducted on the construction of the gas preventi on and control system and the idea of the gas prevention and control was continuously upgraded. According to the principles of"one mine one policy" , one face one poli cy"and the gas grading control, a technical route of the gas prevention and control was planned. The human-financial-material support measures were set up and a site advance management method was refined. The“one face with multi gateways"of the long mining distance coal mining face, the protective seam mining in ultra thin sea m ( near full rock stratum),high hydraulic flushing borehole and other gas prevention and control key technologies were overcame.The gas prevention and control syst em with the features of China Pingmei Shenma Group was formed and the firm base was set up for the mine safety and high efficient production of the group. With the i mplementation of the system, the mine accident number occurred in the group was reduced from 15 accidents in the national 11th five year plan period to 2 accidents 0 ccurred in the national 12th five year plan.


