王飞, 程远平, 蒋静宇, 王亮, 邵振京. 大兴煤矿岩浆侵入对煤体性质的影响研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (12).
引用本文: 王飞, 程远平, 蒋静宇, 王亮, 邵振京. 大兴煤矿岩浆侵入对煤体性质的影响研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (12).
Wang Fei Cheng Yuanping Jiang Jingyu Wang Liang Shao Zhenjing, . Study on magma intrusion affected to coal properties of Daxing Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (12).
Citation: Wang Fei Cheng Yuanping Jiang Jingyu Wang Liang Shao Zhenjing, . Study on magma intrusion affected to coal properties of Daxing Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (12).


Study on magma intrusion affected to coal properties of Daxing Mine

  • 摘要: 为了研究铁法煤田大兴煤矿岩浆侵入对煤体性质的影响,选取至火成岩岩墙不同距离的7个煤样,对煤样进行了镜质组反射率、工业分析、压汞、吸附常数、放散初速度等试验及测定。结果表明:岩浆侵入使煤体变质程度增加,即随着与岩浆距离的不断减少,镜质组反射率逐渐变大,煤体从长焰煤过渡到焦煤,同时煤体灰分急剧增加,水分、挥发分和固定碳含量均逐渐减小;随着与岩浆距离的不断减少,总孔容、总比表面积以及孔隙率均是先增加后减少,同时岩浆侵入的影响主要体现在微孔方面。随着与岩墙距离的减少,煤体的极限吸附量和瓦斯放散初速度均是先逐渐增加后快速减少。


    Abstract: In order to study the magma intrusion in Daxing Mine of Tiefa Coalfield affected to the coal properties, seven coal samples with different distances to the igneous rock wall were selected. The vitrinite reflectance, proximate analysis, mercury injection test, adsorption constant, adsorption initial velocity and other experimen ts as well as determination were conducted on the samples. The following conclusions were obtained that the magma intrusion made the coal metamorphic degree incre ased. With the distances to the magma continuously decreased, the vitrinite reflectance would be steadily increased. Coal was transited from long flame coal to coking coal, meanwhile the ash content of the coal was seriously increased and the moisture content, volatile matter and fixed carbon were steadily reduced. With the distance to the magma was continuously reduced, the total pore volume, total specific surface area and porosity were firstly increased and then decreased, meanwhile the influe nces of the magma intrusion were mainly in the micro pore. With the distance to the igneous rock wall was reduced, the limit adsorption and emission initial velocity bot h were firstly increased and then rapidly decreased.


