胡英. 综放工作面采空区自燃及防治措施[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (7).
引用本文: 胡英. 综放工作面采空区自燃及防治措施[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (7).
Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face and Prevention and Control Measures[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (7).
Citation: Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face and Prevention and Control Measures[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (7).


Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face and Prevention and Control Measures

  • 摘要: 汪家寨煤矿X41103工作面生产初期瓦斯涌出量及瓦斯浓度均较低,但由于回风巷冒落的松散煤体遗留在采空区,在瓦斯抽采系统的负压作用下,导致采空区发生煤炭自燃,针对此问题,首先采用干粉灭火器以及防尘水直接扑灭回风隅角及往外5 m范围自燃煤炭及烧红的瓦斯管;其次利用瓦斯抽放管向采空区灌水灭火;最后采取打钻至煤层顶板向自燃区域注水熄灭火源及注罗克休泡沫充填隔绝采空区煤炭空隙等措施,成功地处理该采空区煤炭自燃事故。通过对该次自燃事故的原因分析,从技术措施和管理措施方面对防治采空区煤炭自燃进行了说明。


    Abstract: The gas emission quantity and gas content at the initial production stage of No.X41103 coal mining face in Wangjiazhai Mine was low.Due to the falling C oal left from air return gateway in the goaf, under the negative pressure effect of the gas drainage system, coal spontaneous combustion was occurred in the goaf. Acco rding to the problem of the spontaneous combustion, the dry powder fire extinguisher and the dust control water could be firstly applied to the spontaneous combusted coal and the burned gas pipeline at the air return corner and the scope beyond 5 m.Then the gas drainage pipeline could be applied as water pipeline to spray water in the goaf for the fire control.Finally with the borehole drilling in the seam roof to the spontaneous combustion area, water injection could be applied to extinguish the fire sources and the Rocksil foam could be applied to backfill and isolate the spaces between coal in the goaf.Thus the coal spontaneous combustion accident in the goaf c ould be successfully controlled.With the cause analysis on the coal spontaneous combustion, the paper had an introduction on how to prevent and control the coal spon taneous combustion in the goaf from the technical measures and the management measures.


