张建良, 郭建, 王广伟, 徐涛, 郑常乐, 徐润生, 柴轶凡. 配加沥青对气煤焦气化特性的影响及动力学分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
引用本文: 张建良, 郭建, 王广伟, 徐涛, 郑常乐, 徐润生, 柴轶凡. 配加沥青对气煤焦气化特性的影响及动力学分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
Zhang Jianliang Guo Jian Wang Guangwei Xu Tao Zheng Changle Xu Runsheng Chai Yifan, . Influence of pitch addition on gas coal char gasification characteristics and dynamics analysis[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).
Citation: Zhang Jianliang Guo Jian Wang Guangwei Xu Tao Zheng Changle Xu Runsheng Chai Yifan, . Influence of pitch addition on gas coal char gasification characteristics and dynamics analysis[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).


Influence of pitch addition on gas coal char gasification characteristics and dynamics analysis

  • 摘要: 为考察煤中配加沥青制得焦炭的气化反应特性,采用程序控温炉研究不同沥青配比条件下气煤焦在1 050、1 100、1 150℃温度下与CO2的等温气化反应特性,同时采用体积模型(VM)、收缩核模型(SCM)和随机孔模型(RPM)对气煤焦气化反应动力学进行分析。结果表明:随着反应温度的升高,焦炭的气化反应性逐渐增加,而随着沥青配加比例的增加,其反应性逐渐降低,当沥青配比从3%增加至6%时,气化反应指数R大幅度降低。随机孔模型表征气化反应动力学行为效果最好,利用随机孔模型计算得沥青添加量为3%、6%、15%时,气煤焦气化反应活化能分别为50.15、57.16、75.61k J/mol,随着沥青配加量的增加,气煤焦反应性降低。


    Abstract: In order to research the iscthermal gasication charactersics of char with acdtton ofpich.the programed temperatre funace was used to study the influence of fiferent plith addition ratio on gas cal char under diferent temperatures which was 1 050,10 and1 150 ℃C.The Vvolume Model. hrnking Core lModel andRandon Pore Model were used to fit the gasificatio reaction kineics data The resuts showed that withthe increase of the temperaturecke gasicaion reacivty in reased. Meanwhile,wth the increase adtion ofpitch.thereactivitydecreased. Nhen the ratio of pich increased from 3% to 6%.the gasication reactity index R dec,eased dranatcall, The resuts aiso showed that Random Pore Model fited best with the kinetios data, and it emonstrated that coal g asihication reacion meet the Random Pore Model reaction mechanism. The gasificatio reacion activation energy caculated by Random Pore Model of char which was added with 3%,6%and 15% ptichwas 50.15,57.16,75.61 k J / mol separately. With the increase addition of pitch,the reactivity of the coke decreased.


