齐庆新, 欧阳振华, 赵善坤, 李宏艳, 李晓璐, 张宁博. 我国冲击地压矿井类型及防治方法研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2014, (10).
引用本文: 齐庆新, 欧阳振华, 赵善坤, 李宏艳, 李晓璐, 张宁博. 我国冲击地压矿井类型及防治方法研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2014, (10).
QI Qing-xin OUYANG Zhen-hua ZHAO Shan-kun LI Hong-yan LI Xiao-lu ZHANG Ning-bo, . Study on Types of Rock Burst Mine and Prevention Methods in China[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, (10).
Citation: QI Qing-xin OUYANG Zhen-hua ZHAO Shan-kun LI Hong-yan LI Xiao-lu ZHANG Ning-bo, . Study on Types of Rock Burst Mine and Prevention Methods in China[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, (10).


Study on Types of Rock Burst Mine and Prevention Methods in China

  • 摘要: 针对我国煤矿开采深度增加和采掘范围扩大,导致冲击地压灾害强度和频度明显增加的问题,总结分析了冲击地压发生的条件,认为只有同时满足内在条件、结构条件和应力条件时才会发生冲击地压。根据我国煤矿近年来冲击地压发生的条件和特点,将冲击地压矿井分为浅部冲击地压矿井、深部冲击地压矿井、构造冲击地压矿井、坚硬顶板冲击地压矿井和煤柱冲击地压矿井5类。在深入分析不同矿井引发冲击地压力源的基础上,提出浅部冲击地压矿井的主要防冲措施是按顺序开采及控制顶板压力;深部冲击地压矿井的主要防冲措施是开采保护层,按顺序开采以及控制开采强度;构造冲击地压矿井主要采用长钻孔卸压的方法防治掘进期间冲击地压;坚硬顶板冲击地压矿井主要通过控制空顶长度防治冲击地压;煤柱冲击地压矿井主要采取诱发卸压措施防治冲击地压。


    Abstract: According to the problem of the strength and frequency of rock burst increased obviously, along with the increasement of mining depth and mining range in China, the paper summarized and analyzed the conditions of rock burst occured, the results showed that only meeting three conditions which included internal conditi on, structure condition, stress condition, the rock burst might arise. According to the conditions and characteristics of rock burst happened in recent years, rock burst mi nes were divided into five categories which included shallow rock burst mine, deep rock burst mine, structure rock burst mine, hard roof rock burst mine, coal pillar rock burst mine. On the basis of analysis about force source which initiated rock burst in different coal mines, which included the prevention measures aimed at shallow rock burst mine were mining by sequential and roof pressure control; the prevention measures aimed at deep rock burst mine were protection layer mining, mining by seque ntial and mining intensity control; the prevention measures aimed at structure rock burst mine were drilhole pressure relief; the prevention measures aimed at hard roof rock burst mine were the length of unsupported roof control; the prevention measures aimed at coal pillar rock burst mine were pressure relief.


