蔡毅, 严家平, 徐良骥, 喻怀君, 董祥林. 不同含水状态采空区冒落岩体压缩变形特征研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2014, (11).
引用本文: 蔡毅, 严家平, 徐良骥, 喻怀君, 董祥林. 不同含水状态采空区冒落岩体压缩变形特征研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2014, (11).
CAIYi YAN Jjia-ping XU Liang-ji YU Huai-jun DONG Xiang-in, . Study on Compaction Deformation Characteristics of Collapsed Rock Mass of Goaf Under Different Water Content Conditions[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, (11).
Citation: CAIYi YAN Jjia-ping XU Liang-ji YU Huai-jun DONG Xiang-in, . Study on Compaction Deformation Characteristics of Collapsed Rock Mass of Goaf Under Different Water Content Conditions[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, (11).


Study on Compaction Deformation Characteristics of Collapsed Rock Mass of Goaf Under Different Water Content Conditions

  • 摘要: 为了研究含水条件下采空区对地表变形的影响,进而给采空区稳定性评价提供科学的依据,以杨庄煤矿5号煤层采空区的冒落岩石为研究对象,通过对自然状态冒落岩块进行加载试验和注水加载试验,研究松散岩体在自然状态和饱水状态下的压缩变形特征。试验证明:各级荷载下压力传感器监测到的采空区冒落松散岩体轴向压应力先增大再减小,采空区冒落松散岩体压实过程伴随着其内部应力集中的逐步消散。通过对比发现,随着外加荷载的逐级增加,自然状态采空区冒落松散岩体的压缩变形量的增加量逐步减小;而在一定外加荷载下,变形已趋于稳定的非饱水状态采空区冒落松散岩体在注入水之后仍会发生迅速而明显的压缩变形,从而导致采空区地表的二次变形。


    Abstract: In order to study the influence of water flling goaf on the surface deformation, and provide scientific basis for stability evaluation of goaf, collapsed rock were taken from No.5 Seam goaf in Yangzhuang Coal Mine, compaction tests were completed with natural and saturated loose rock mass under different loading grade s. These tests were finished to learn compaction deformation of loose rock mass under different conditions. Under every loading grade, axial stress measured by press ure sensor changed with increasing time, and axial compression deformation of loose rock mass could be also measured. Under every loading grade, axial stress monit ored by pressure sensor increased firstly then decreased, and stress concentration dissipated during compacting process of loose rock mass. With the increasing of loa d, the increment of compressive deformation decreased. Under the fixed load, the unsaturated loose rock mass which had no deformation any more would deform rapidI y and obviously affer water injection, which could lead to the secondary deformation of the surface of goaf.


