冯彬, 周爱桃, 王凯, 臧杰, 王新华. 东周窑煤矿5号煤层瓦斯赋存规律研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
引用本文: 冯彬, 周爱桃, 王凯, 臧杰, 王新华. 东周窑煤矿5号煤层瓦斯赋存规律研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (2).
Study on Gas Deposit Law of No.5 Seam in Dongzhouyao Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).
Citation: Study on Gas Deposit Law of No.5 Seam in Dongzhouyao Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (2).


Study on Gas Deposit Law of No.5 Seam in Dongzhouyao Mine

  • 摘要: 为寻求东周窑煤矿煤层瓦斯赋存规律,为矿井瓦斯治理提供基础数据,介绍了该煤矿的地质构造特征和煤层情况,根据煤层埋深、地质报告、邻近矿井和井下实测的瓦斯含量及成分,对东周窑煤矿5号煤层瓦斯赋存规律进行了研究,得出东周窑煤矿5号煤层全部处于瓦斯风化带内,并从煤的变质程度、顶底板特性及地质构造的角度对5号煤层处于瓦斯风化带的原因进行了分析,认为5号煤的变质程度较低,成煤期生成气量较小,且由于第三系地层的变薄,使得瓦斯大量逸散;井田内一些张性构造的存在,也为瓦斯向地面运移提供了通道,这些都是导致东周窑煤矿井田内5号煤层处于瓦斯风化带的主要原因。


    Abstract: In order to have the seam gas deposit law of Dongzhouyao Mine and to provide the basic data for the mine gas control, the paper introduced the geologi cal structure features and seam conditions of Dongzhouyao Mine . According to the seam depth, the geological report, the neighbour mines and the measured gas conte nt and component in the underground mine, the paper had a study on the gas deposit law of the No.5 seam in Dongzhouyao Mine.The study showed that No.5 seam in Dongzhouyao Mine would all be in a gas weathered zone .From the view of the coal metamorphic grade, the roof and floor features and the geological structure, the pap er analyzed the cause of No.5 seam in gas weathered zone. The paper held that the metamorphic grade of No.5 seam was low and the gas quantity from the coal format ion period was low.Due to the Tertiary System strata were varied thin, great gas were released.There was tension structures existed in the minefield and those structure s could provide the channel for the gas migration to the surface ground.All above would be the main causes to make No.5 seam in the gas weathered zone in Dongzhou yao Mine.


