Study on adsorption kinetics of slime to polyacrylamide in polymer-containing waste water
摘要: 为了解决含聚丙烯酰胺污水难处理的问题,以煤炭固体废弃物煤泥作为吸附剂,通过静态吸附试验,考察了煤泥投加量、p H、吸附反应时间等因素对聚丙烯酰胺吸附效果的影响,并采用Lagergen准一级动力学方程和Lagergen准二级动力学方程对煤泥吸附聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)的动力学过程进行考察。试验结果表明:在反应温度为40℃,煤泥投加量150 g/L,p H值4~6,反应时间10 min时,煤泥对质量浓度为100 mg/L的含聚污水中聚丙烯酰胺的去除率达94%;而且lagergen准二级动力学方程能更好地描述煤泥对含聚污水中聚丙烯酰胺的吸附动力学过程。液膜扩散模型表明,液膜扩散为吸附过程的主要速率控制步骤。Abstract: in order to soive th cificultreatnent prblem of the polyacrylamide waste water.the slite with coal sold waste was taken as an adsorbent.The static adsopion fest was applied to investigate the slime feeding volume,p H.adsorption reacion time and other factors aected to the adsoption effc of the polyacryamide.The Lagergen Pseudo first order kinetics equation and the Lagergren Pseudo second order kineics equation were applied to investigate the kinetics proc.ss of the slime to adsorb the polyacryiamide. The testresuts showed that when the reacion temperature was 4 C,the slime feeding volume was 150 g /Lp H vale was 4 ~ 6 andthe reaction time was10 min ,the removing rate of thepolyacrlanidein the polymner-containing waste water with a qualty density of 100 mg L woul be 94%owith the sime.And the Lagergren pseudo second order kinetics equation could well escribe the adsorption kineticsprcess ofthe polyacrlanide in the waste water with the slime.The liquid membrane difusion model showed that the liquid membrane diffusion would be the main velocity control step of the adsoption proc.ess.