刘淑琴, 周蓉, 潘佳, 赵万争, 潘霞, 彭安. 煤炭地下气化选址决策及地下水污染防控[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (5).
引用本文: 刘淑琴, 周蓉, 潘佳, 赵万争, 潘霞, 彭安. 煤炭地下气化选址决策及地下水污染防控[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (5).
Location Selection and Groundwater Pollution Prevention & Control Regarding Underground Coal Gasification[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (5).
Citation: Location Selection and Groundwater Pollution Prevention & Control Regarding Underground Coal Gasification[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (5).


Location Selection and Groundwater Pollution Prevention & Control Regarding Underground Coal Gasification

  • 摘要: 为了解煤炭地下气化污染过程并对其实现最终控制,介绍了煤炭地下气化的选址决策依据,分析了煤炭地下气化过程地下水污染的途径及特征污染物,并提出了地下水污染防控的主要措施。地下气化科学选址是地下气化过程稳定控制及污染防控的重要基础,在选址决策中需要评价的因素包括煤田储量、煤层条件、地质构造、水文地质条件等。地下水污染风险来自于气化过程中污染物随煤气的逸散,以及气化后污染物随地下水运移而发生的渗透迁移。有机污染物主要包括酚类、苯、少量的多环芳烃及杂环化合物;无机污染物则主要包括各种有害元素。煤层和围岩的吸附作用限制了污染物的迁移,地下水污染防控的措施包括:识别永久不适合地下水区域,控制气化时的操作压力,设置地下水屏障,将煤层污水抽提至地面净化处理,也可以进行原位污染修复。


    Abstract: In order to understand the pollution process of underground coal gasification (UCG) and realize ultimate control, the possible processes of groundwater pollution were analyzed and typical pollutants were identified and several pollution control measures were proposed.Location selection in UCG has important effects on UCG stability control and groundwater pollution control and there are many factors for considering, such as coal reserves, coal seam conditions, geological structure, h ydrological conditions. Groundwater pollution is caused by the diffusion and penetration of contaminants generated by UCG processes towards surrounding strata and th e possible leaching of underground residue by natural groundwater flow after gasification.Typical organic pollutants includes phenols, benzene, minor components such as PAHs and heterocyclics.Inorganic pollutants involve a variety of hamful elements.The extent and concentration of the contaminants decrease over time and with the distance from the burn cavity since the adsorption function of coal and surrounding strata.Possible pollution contral measures include identifying a permanently, unsuita ble zone, setting a hydraulic barrier and pumping contaminated water out for surface disposal.Mitigation measures during gasification processes and groundwater reme diation after gasification are also proposed.


