毕世科, 万志军, 张洪伟, 王明凯, 王靖超, 刘志刚, 王冲. 唐口煤矿地热资源开发及利用研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, (4).
引用本文: 毕世科, 万志军, 张洪伟, 王明凯, 王靖超, 刘志刚, 王冲. 唐口煤矿地热资源开发及利用研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, (4).
BI Shike, WAN Zhijun, ZHANG Hongwei, WANG Mingkai, WANG Jingchao, LIU Zhigang, WANG Chong. Research on development and utilization of geothermalresources in Tangkou Coal Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, (4).
Citation: BI Shike, WAN Zhijun, ZHANG Hongwei, WANG Mingkai, WANG Jingchao, LIU Zhigang, WANG Chong. Research on development and utilization of geothermalresources in Tangkou Coal Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, (4).


Research on development and utilization of geothermalresources in Tangkou Coal Mine

  • 摘要: 为了对山东唐口煤矿矿井深部地热资源进行利用,根据唐口煤矿矿区地质资料和水文钻孔资料,对矿区奥陶系地热资源形成原因和赋存状况进行调查,提出了一种利用矿井原有井巷工程进行矿井地热水开采的模型,根据矿区多种余热资源的赋存情况,提出了矿山地热资源综合利用方案。研究结果表明:在上覆厚盖层和区内大断裂的影响下,唐口矿区地热资源主要赋存于矿区南部的奥陶系地层,储层地热水平均水温44℃,地热水具有腐蚀性但不易结垢;在矿区南部井下硐室钻凿地热井,设计同层两采一灌钻井,抽采的地热水经管道运输至井上,在地面换热站实现集中换热,可满足3 000m3/d的热水供应;矿区热储层地热资源总量为5.02×1017J,并结合矿区矿井排水、矿井回风、矿区生活用水中的可利用热源,可实现日功率为12.45 MW的热量供应。矿井地热资源的开发利用,可以达到节能减排和保护矿区环境的目的,为我国矿山地热发展和绿色矿山建设提供新思路。


    Abstract: In order to utilize deep geothermal resources of Shandong Tangkou Coal Mine from deep ground, based on the geologic data and hydrological drilling data of Tangkou Coal Mine, a survey was made on account of the genetic reason and occurrence condition of Ordovician geothermal resources in the mine, a geothermal water exploitation model was proposed by using existing roadway and shaft in the coal mine. According to the occurrence conditions of different heat sources, an integrated utilization scheme about mine geothermal resource was presented. Research showed that under the influence of thick strata layers and major deep fault, the geothermal resources of Tangkou coal mine was mainly occurred in the Ordovician strata in the south of the mine, the average temperature of geothermal water was 44 ℃ and the water was corrosive but not easy to scale. Geothermal wells were drilled in the underground drilling chamber, by using the production model of two production wells and one injections in the same layer, the geothermal water was piped to the ground heat exchange station to conduct centralized heat exchange, which can provide a hot water supply of 3 000 m3 per day. The total amount of geothermal resources in thermal reservoir was 5.02×1017 J, combined with other available resources, mine drainage, mine waste wind and mine life water, it could provide a heat supply of 12.45 MW.Developing and using the mine geothermal resources can reduce the carbon emissions and protect the mine environment, which provides new ideas for the development of mine geothermal science and the construction of green mines.


