张会军. 长壁工作面顶板来压对冲击地压发生的影响分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (12).
引用本文: 张会军. 长壁工作面顶板来压对冲击地压发生的影响分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (12).
Zhang Hujun. Analysis on roof strata weighting of longwall coal mining face affected to pressure bump occurred[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (12).
Citation: Zhang Hujun. Analysis on roof strata weighting of longwall coal mining face affected to pressure bump occurred[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (12).


Analysis on roof strata weighting of longwall coal mining face affected to pressure bump occurred

  • 摘要: 为了明确长壁工作面顶板来压与冲击地压发生的相互作用关系,分析了顶板来压对采场动静载荷的影响及顶板来压诱发冲击地压的具体案例,并给出了顶板来压诱发型冲击地压的防治措施。研究表明:长壁工作面顶板来压对冲击地压有显著影响,电磁辐射监测显示顶板来压前煤体内静载应力逐步升高,同时微震监测到来压时高位岩层开始运动,产生高能量的动载荷,动载荷释放的高能量和产生的高应力容易使得煤层附近的围岩发生突然破坏,从而诱发冲击地压,其发生一般滞后于顶板来压1~2 d,因此定义为顶板诱发型冲击地压,针对此类冲击地压,准确判断来压时间,并在来压前或来压期间采取有效的卸压解危措施和效果检验方法,可以提高冲击地压的可控性,降低冲击危险,保证工作面的安全生产。


    Abstract: In order to fully understand an interaction relationship between mine roof strata weighting and pressure bump occurred in longwall coal mining face, the paper analyzed weighting affected to the dynamic loading of mine coal mining face and certain cases of pressure bump occurred by mine roof strata weighting and the paper provided prevention and control measures of the mine roof pressure bump caused by the mine roof strata weighting. The study results showed that the mine roof strata weighting of the longwall coal mining face would have obvious influences to pressure bump and electromagnet radiation monitoring and measuring showed that b efore, the mine roof strata weighting occurred, the static stress within the seam would be steadily increased. Meanwhile, when the mine roof strata weighting occurred b y the micro seismic, the high level rock stratum would start to be moved, high energy dynamic load would be occurred, the high energy value released from the dynamic load and the high stress occurred would easily make sudden failure of the surrounding rock near seam and thus pressure bump would be occurred. The mine roof strata pressure bump would generally be occurred after 1 ~ 2 days of the mine roof strata weighting occurred. Therefore mine strata pressure bump was defined as a mine ind uced roof pressure bump. According to the type roof strata pressure bump, the time of roof strata weighting occurred should be accurately judged. Before mine roof stra ta weighting occurred or during the pressure bump period, the effective pressure released and danger control measures and the effect detection method could be condu cted and could highly improve the control of the pressure bump, to reduce damager, could ensure safety production of coal mining face.


